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PROMPT: You and Hermione looking out for each other during the Hogwarts battle.



Screams everywhere, the dark gloomy sky domed over us. Voldemort and the Death Eaters waging war with Dumbledore's Army, led by Harry Potter, my older brother.

Avada Kadavra!

Green lighting spurred from my wand, directing to one of Voldemort's.

"[Y/N]! Are you okay?! Were you hit? You're so reckless sometimes!" Hermione asked frantically, her nose scrunched up in distaste. Not taking her eyes off the enemy, throwing few spells here and there.

 A smirk crept up my chapped lips,

"Woah there, slow down princess. I'm holding up just fine, the question is...are YOU fine?"

My [E/C] colored orbs darkened as I noticed a Death Eater creep behind Ron. I cast a spell, which left them dropping down on the cold hard ground.

I could feel Hermione's back against mine, her breath rapid and jagged.

"I-I'm fine, just got a few cuts here and there..but I'll live."

Her pink lips lifted into a genuine smile which gave me the sense of being....at home.

"Promise?" I questioned,

"Promise!" Came her reply.

My heartbeat quickened,

"Good that! Because I'm planning on making you my queen when we're through with this." I gave a hearty laugh as I continued destroying Voldemort's men.

I earned a teasing scoff from Hermione as she slightly shook her head at me, "Whatever you say, your Highness."

"And that was the day I impregnated your mother."

My [H/C] hair bounced as I giggled quietly at our son, Jean. His reaction is priceless!

His nose scrunched up,

"Mum!", his face distorted into a grin. I ruffled his dark brown hair and continued.

"With the use of magic of course! Soon enough, you'll find your own princess or prince...and someday, you'll be making them yours."

I booped his nose as he chuckled.

"Just like you and mommy?" He inquired,

"Yes Jean, just like me and your

Jean's tiny hands placed the blood-red rose down on the grave, a tear left my eye. The little boy looked up at me, I kneeled down his height and hugged him,

"You're so much like her Jean." I sobbed finally letting all the despair I've bottled up,

Jean hugged me tighter, he rested his head on the crook of my neck.

"Mommy is still here mum, she's always watching over us."

A smile crept up my lips, I stood up and dried my tears away. I held my hand out for Jean to take.

His chocolate brown eyes pierced my own as he took my hand and gave me a smile.

The same smile she'd always give me when I'm sad, the very smile that takes me home.

"Come on now Jean, Uncle Harry must be waiting for us at home."  The boy obediently nodded sparing her mother one last glance, and with that, we left.

"Who wants to help me cook some Lasagna?!" I tried to mask the sadness overflowing me,

"Oh! Me! Me! Meeeeee!!!!" He raised his hand and screamed, I laughed as I lifted him up. His head rested on my chest as we apparated.

"I love you Hermione Granger, always have and always will. Rest now my Queen, for we will meet again."

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