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PROMPT: You're a cocky Slytherin student .


[Y/N] was sulking inside her dorm. The Slytherin room was dark, totally not helping with what she was feeling. She had this long time crush on a certain brunette girl but she is too prideful to admit that. [Y/N] is the eldest daughter of the Zabini family. Her younger brother Blaise is in the same house with her, and he seems fond of hanging out with a certain platinum blonde haired boy rather than his older sister. [Y/N] looked around the room, no one was there.

She wanted to make sure before she took out her journal from a secret compartment she made under her bed. The leather bound notebook was almost full. She scanned through the pages, scoffing at the poor of an excuse handwriting she has. She turned to a clean page and took out her quill and ink. She wrote her first entry. It went like this-


Dear Journal,

Today has been...well, shitty.
You know I have this crush on Granger, right? Of course you know since I won't stop blabbing about her in the past entries. Well, that tiny twat ehem, Malfoy, I think he fancies her.

I saw him blushing when Hermione glanced his way during Potions. I know he's a little bitch but, he actually has a chance with her. Why? Because he's a guy for Merlin's sake! I'm guessing Granger's into guys because for all I know, I'm the only witch here who has rainbow for  blood.

Also, if you'll look closely..like really close and when I say close I'm talking microscopically here, is quite good looking....? Maybe...Granger likes him too! I don't know..does she? God! We barely talk to each other!

Ughhh.....this is frustrating. That's all for today, I hope I can figure out how I can ask Granger out, wait, not that..yet.. maybe start first in just finding a way to actually make a decent conversation with her.

Frustratingly signed,

[Y/N] Zabini


A loud high pitched voice rang behind the door, causing the girl to drop her quill before groaning and reached down to pick it up. She rubbed her forehead in annoyance.


It was Pansy Parkinson.

The voice she knows all too well. The [H/C] girl hid her journal back to its place. She rolled her eyes,

"What do you want, Parkinson?"

Pansy went inside the room with a sly grin on her disastrous face.

"Oh nothing,  just came to tell you that all of the students here in Hogwarts knows about your little crush on that mudblood, Granger~" she sing-sang.

[Y/N] gripped her wand and slammed  Parkinson against the cold wall. Her wand roughly pressed against the other girl's neck leaving a red mark, her [E/C] colored eyes were fiery with immeasurable rage.

"Mudblood?", she chuckled bitterly before pressing her wand harder  unto the skin.

"Listen well because I don't  like repeating myself. In reality, the real mudblood here is YOU and your poor excuse of a gang, you little bitch. I don't know what's your problem with me or with Hermione and honestly, I don't give a flying fuck whatever rumour you spread about me but leave her out of this or I swear to Voldemort, you will regret being alive. You think that pathetic Malfoy can cover up for you?",  she sneered at the sweating girl who struggled to escape her vice grip.

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