With great speed, Dan plucked a pillow from the couch and began relentlessly hitting Phil's blanketed figure with the cushion. Underneath the fabric were Phil's muffled screams of defiance. "For honor!" screeched Dan, landing continuous blows on his flatmate. (Y/N) took this as an opportunity to do that same, reaching for a pillow on the floor and wacking her friend like a noisy pinata. By this point, they were all screaming incoherently, faux bloodlust filling their souls as they engaged in a mighty battle to calm the blanketed beast.

Despite the situation he was in, Phil was practically dying of laughter as his friend's attacked him. Wiggling beneath the sheet, crackles of static crinkled across his hair. The tiny zaps surprised him, causing him to let out small exclamations of shock. With each new movement, his hair became even more charged. When he was finally able to free himself, his hair was spiked in all different directions; it was electrifying! Feeling mischievous, Phil lunged for Dan. He grazed his outstretched finger against Dan's exposed skin, pleased when a small spark erupted from his fingertip. Dan yelped in surprise, throwing his pillow away in alarm.

Phil snickered loudly, wiggling around in the blanket as he charged himself more. This time, he aimed his attack towards (Y/N), the girl trying her best to avoid the attack she had seen preformed moments ago. Unfortunately for her, Phil was quick enough to land a blow on her, the shock more powerful than the last. (Y/N) hissed in annoyance, holding her pillow in front of her chest. "Okay! I yield!" With a look of triumph, Phil brought his attention to Dan who lowered his head in submission. Phil gave a snarky smirk; he had won this battle.

The trio sat for a while as they waited for Phil's hair to calm down, the occasional crackle gracing his fingertips as he tried to control his locks. Once he was dethroned of his lightning powers, Phil let out a wistful sigh. "Are you sure you can't visit us sometime during those couple of days? We get awfully bored without you hanging around."

(Y/N) smiled, shaking her head sadly. "Sorry guys, but I have to be with Hailey for a while. Afterall, I need to be a good host!" She fiddled around in her pocket, bringing out her phone and waving it in front of the boys. "We can keep each other updated through text, okay? It'll be like I never left. Besides," She stood up, gently folding the blanket into a neat pile. "Maybe while I'm gone you guys can get some actual work done! I keep distracting you with movie watching and stuff."

Phil gave an unhappy pout while Dan groaned, reclining himself off the side of the couch; he was upside down by this point. "But we like having you around. You make everything so much better." Phil's eyes trailed over (Y/N), observing her for a reaction to Dan's words. She averted her eyes ever so slightly, the tiniest crack of a smile wobbling at the corners. It was a small response, but it was definitely there. I can't interfere. I just can't.

No matter how infuriating it was to observe their painfully strained exchanges, Phil promised himself not to interfere. Sure, he had caved a little and questioned Dan to confession. But that was as far as he could go. Maybe his calling-out of Dan would push his friend a little further, to make him act upon his feelings. Because if there was no action taken, Phil felt like their uncanny connection would fizzle away, that special ingredient becoming stale and useless. It would be an unimaginable shame; a true loss. Yes, he could spoil the surprise, but that wouldn't create the same affect.

This was their story. He wouldn't dream of hijacking it.


You said goodbye to your friends rather early in the afternoon, explaining that you needed some time to clean up before Hailey's visit the following morning. She informed you that she would be coming in the morning; 6:00am to be precise. On top of that, she would most likely be jet-lagged when she arrived, so you had to make sure she had a comfortable place to sleep when she inevitably crashed from exhaustion.

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora