1. The Butterfly Feeling

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Currently rewriting/editing this story! Full of errors and cringe-worthy writing... 1/25 chapters edited.


There was just something about him. The dark hair that was perfectly styled, his chocolate brown eyes that were mesmerising to stare into, and you couldn’t forget his gorgeous smile as well. The crinkles by his eyes when he laughed – it was the most adorable sight. Was I staring too much? Or did he not even notice me at all? After all, I was merely just a girl in a girl band on The X Factor, with not even the slightest chance of winning – at least not with all the talent around us. It wasn't that I doubted the girls, it was the fact that girl groups were just never the lucky ones in this competition. My gaze swept over to a blank wall, zoning out as ridiculous thoughts ran through my mind. God, he was just so handsome.

“It’s different, isn’t it?” A sudden deep, male voice interrupted my thoughts. My eyes locked with the spellbinding eyes that I was daydreaming about.

“What?” I spluttered out. He chuckled, looking at how frazzled I was by his presence.

“I said it’s different right? From being a student, to being on X Factor, on a music video shoot, and then on the journey to win X Factor. It must be new for you.” He said, his eyes not once leaving mine. He made me feel nervous, it was kind of overwhelming.

“Well I’m not exactly sure about the winning part," I laughed timidly, "It is different though, kind of refreshing in a way.” I replied, adding a shy smile as his lips curved upwards.

“I suppose I know how you feel. I still feel the same way, even after an entire year,” he said, drifting off as the director called for One Direction. “I’ve got to go, but I never caught your name…” He added, flashing his perfect smile that made me weak in the knees.

“Perrie.” I told him my name shyly.

“Got it, see you around, Perrie.” He said, winking before turning around and joining the rest of the One Direction boys to shoot their scene for the "Wishing On A Star" music video.

I watched him from afar, as well as losing count as to how many times Louis and Niall messed about, ruining the whole scene. I saw him look around the room as the director called for a break, and as soon as his eyes landed on me, I quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught staring, but I guess I was already caught as I saw him smirk and turn towards his friends from the corner of my eyes.

“Perrie!” Jade shouted, making me jump a little.

“Gosh Jade, what?” I asked, still a little shocked from her outburst.

“Would you stop drooling over Zayn Malik and join us on rehearsing? After all, Little Mix has four members, not three,” she snapped, but she wasn’t angry, not the slightest. She was definitely joking and taunting me.

“I’m sorry…he’s just so, so...” I said, trying to find the right word to describe him.

“Awh Pez is having a wee crush on a One Direction member.” She said teasingly to Leigh-Anne and Jesy. I hit Jade playfully, before scolding her.

“Shush it! And next time say it a little quieter will you?” I said, as I noticed that Zayn and his group had moved closer towards us. If he had heard Jade, well, I'd be embarrassed more so than I am now.

“Little Mix, you’re up!” The director called out, waving us over to the set. We grinned at each other, excited to be on our first ever video shoot, even if it wasn't our song.

We were all touched up by the makeup artists one last time before positioned on the set. Music blared as the scene started, each of us probably feeling nervous, but happy in the moment. We were nailing the first take without messing up, all until Leigh burst out laughing. My eyes trailed after her gaze, to Derry from The Risk. I narrowed my eyes, glaring. He was pulling a face and distracting Leigh from the shoot. The director turned around to scold Derry.

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