23. A New Beginning

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     "I didn't know you had a little bungalow like Harry's." Zayn stated as we walked into the wooden structure. He dropped his already packed luggage onto the floor. I didn't want to face him leaving tonight, it would hurt. "It's my uncle's. He's never here anyway so I thought we could spend the night here." I explained, shielding my emotions. The bungalow was nowhere as nice as Harry's, but it would do. It was located in the outskirts of South Shields; I thought it was the perfect place for patching things up with Zayn on his last day here. The rooms, tiling, placement of everything made me reminisce in the memory when Zayn and I spent the night there. I remembered his sweet words about when we met, his electrifying touch, the smell of the cologne he wore, the sight of his tousled hair and twinkling, love-drunken eyes, I remembered every moment. "This reminds me of the night we spent at the bungalow." He said softly as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him. "I know, I miss you...and I hope we can work things out to be like that again. It was the best night of my life." I said with a shy smile. I just needed one night spent with Zayn, to be myself around him, to be comfortable. I didn't know how else to prove to him that I was worthy of his trust, this was the only way that made sense in my head. "What are you thinking about?" He asked as he noticed my thoughtful expression. "You." I said truthfully as I gave him a small peck on the lips before distancing myself from him, my hand in his as I backed up leading him towards the sofa and plunking softly down on it.

     "I want to talk about something." I said softly, letting the mood settle in slowly. His eyes were bright, ears open and eager to hear my words. "Last time at Harry's bungalow you told me how you felt and why you approached me when we first met...now I want to tell you my side of the story." I began as my hand softly caressed into his, feeling his smooth skin against mine. His eyes were now curious as a small, timid smile began to form on his lips. "Do tell." He said with a soft chuckle as his free hand pushed a strand of my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

     "Well, we were on the set of Wishing On A Star and I remembered thinking that it was an unreal experience, that it was my first ever music video but really I couldn't focus. I was more focused on you." I said with a shy smile. "And I remember Jade telling the other girls that I was crushing on you. I remember regretting not leaving the set with all the others and instead of wanting to take the bus, but then I realise that without my stupid situation, I would have never met you. I remember you leaning against the wall, offering me a ride." I paused, recalling in the memories that made me feel bubbly and happy inside and out. "And the text Jade had sent me when you dropped me off..." I continued as we both chuckled. "Hey you and I both wanted to snog each other." He said with a cheeky wink. "Regardless," I said with emphasis as I felt my cheeks heat up in the colour of a rose. "That night was the start of something...something that I had never felt before, that I longed to have. I knew, that you were going to be that special someone in my life." I confessed as I felt his fingers pry lightly within mine, interlocking our digits together. "And that sounded cheesier out loud than in my head." I joked. He chuckled, "You know I feel the same way too." He confirmed with a light squeeze around my hand. I could see in his eyes that he was lost in the story that I was telling, I had never told him how I felt about him in this much detail before; I wondered how it felt to be showered with this much love. I just needed to prove that I was worthy, and the way to do it was to start deep from the heart. "And our first date...was the best I had ever been on. You made such a good impression on me and it seemed effortless. I remember every single moment of it." I said with a smile as I looked down at our interlocked fingers. "And I know there has been so many other moments in our relationship that light me up with happiness every time I think about it, as well as bad and rough times. I just want you to know that I am so sorry for what I have done to hurt you. Me hurting you, hurt me too and I'm sorry for that." I apologised with sincerity as I looked into his promising, mesmerising deep brown eyes. "It’s okay Perrie, I forgive you and I know I've done things in the past too. Can we agree to put those things in the past and move on with a fresh start?" He asked thoughtfully. I nodded, "Yes. A fresh new start." I agreed. "Alright, hi I'm Zayn." He joked as he pulled his hand away from mine, only to hold it out again into an awaiting handshake. I laughed as I shook his hand in humour, "And I'm Perrie. Nice to meet you." I said through giggles. "Nice to meet you too." He replied as he leaned in and gave me a sweet kiss. "Is this what you do with strangers?" I mocked. "Yes, is it unusual?" He asked with a faked shocked tone. I chuckled, "So are we good? I'm trustworthy again?" I asked in all seriousness. He nodded, "Yes, and this time, I promise we'll work out. We'll have our own happily ever after." He promised as a smile formed on my face. Our lips crashed together as I slowly pushed him down on the sofa, my legs on either side of him, straddling him. Before our kiss got too heated, I pulled away. His eyes were puzzled in confusion. "I'm hungry." I stated with a grin on my face a few seconds after my statement. "You're lucky I packed Kraft Dinner in my luggage." He chuckled as I sat up, allowing him to get the food. "I expect you to cook it!" I called after him. "It's my last night before I go to America, give me a break!" He shouted back. I laughed, but his words hit me. In the matter of hours, he was going to be gone. He was going to be miles up in the air, flying away from me. He was going to be in another country. This time though, things would work out. It had to; he promised.

An hour later


     We had finished eating our dinner, it was nice. Just him and I together, no distractions, no nothing. I sighed as I rested my head on his chest, inhaling the scent of him that I knew I would miss for another two months as soon as he left. “You’re leaving in half an hour.” I stated as I played with his fingers while his other hand rested on my head, stroking through strands of my hair. “I know…and I have something to ask you.” He said in total seriousness as we shifted upwards as I sat up. I looked at him in confusion. “Will you come with me?” He asked, his eyes pleading. “To the airport?” I asked, still confused. He knew I didn’t like accompanying him to the airport. It was hard enough to see him leave; it was even harder when there were press and media cramped around me trying to get the inside scoop. “No…” He said softly. “To America.” He clarified. My eyes widened in shock, “W-what?” I stuttered out. “I know you have a few days off before you start putting things together for your tour and I even asked your mum and sister to pack some things up if you do decide to come with me.” He explained. Wow, he had thought of everything. “I...” I started. I didn’t know what to say. I was elated, but I didn’t know how to put it in words. “You don’t have to, it was just a thought. I know you’re busy with things it’s okay.” He said, assuming the worst. “No,” I said as I grinned. “I’d love to come with you.” He let out a sigh of relief, “Thank god.” He said with a huge smile forming. I laughed softly before leaning towards him. “I love you.” I confessed as I stared deep into his captivating chestnut brown eyes with silvery-green touch. “I love you too.” He replied as we closed the distance between us.

     We were going to America, together. There wasn’t any separation, we would be together. There won’t be any conflicts; we were on a good note in our relationship. I couldn’t wait to hop on a plane and leave into a foreign country with Zayn, it would just be the two of us. Even though it would only be for a few days, I was sure it was going to be the best few days of my life. It would be filled with love-struck events that made my heart race, it would be memorable. A new beginning.


Author's note: Oh yeahhh, Zerrie be headed to the land of freedom! Haha, even though this chapter is short and cliché, I like it because Zerrie feels akdlfjaskldf. Vote, comment, fan weyheyy :D x

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