22. Worthy

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Zayn’s POV


     I awoke groggily with a pounding headache, blinking my eyes repeatedly while becoming familiar with my surroundings; Perrie and Jade’s living room. I sat up slowly, shielding the bright sunlight with my hand as my eyes focused on a glass of water and aspirin, along with a note on the table. I reached over and grabbed the slip of paper. “Got a few interviews to do, I should be back at 11. Left you water and aspirin for that headache of yours, feel better soon. Hope we can talk :) Perrie <3” the note read. I found myself smiling, but the smile disappeared as I was utterly confused as to why I was here. Obviously I had been drinking last night; it was confirmed clearly by my hangover. I sat up and took the aspirin, gulping down the glass of water. I shook my head, trying to remember last night. I remembered coming over to Perrie’s, but I didn’t remember much after that, it was a blur. All I remembered was Perrie draping a blanket over me and planting her soft lips on my forehead, those lips that I desperately missed. Regardless of last night, I still had not forgiven her, and didn't know if I ever would. I didn't like being cheated on, especially if it was Perrie. I wanted to think her feelings for Jay began unintentionally, but I just couldn't bring myself to it. The front door opened as I turned to face the blonde that I missed.

Perrie's POV

     As soon as our interviews were over, I rushed back home. I didn't want to miss Zayn, I really needed to talk to him and sort everything out while I had the opportunity to. As I stepped into my flat, I noticed that he had awoken and sat up on the couch. I smiled lightly as his hair that was tousled around roughly from his sleep. He didn't even have to try to look gorgeous, it was effortless. "Hey. Feeling better?" I greeted and asked as I made my way to the sofa. "No, not yet...but thanks for everything." He said, his voice raspy from the morning. "Welcome...listen Zayn, we really need to talk. Just to sort everything, regardless if we stay friends or not." I said, biting my lip nervously as I say down lightly beside him. His eyes locked with mine, and I could see the defeat in them. This was my chance to win him back, I needed to. "Look, whatever happened last night, I'm sorry and I probably didn't mean it. I don't even remember half of it." He said, thinking I was referring to last night and whatever he thought had happened. "Nothing happened last night, you just...said some things." I said quietly. He sighed, "If I yelled at you I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." He said shortly. I shook my head, "No, no...you didn't. You said you missed me and you loved me...I just want to know if you meant it or not." I admitted. I could see in his eyes that he was shocked by his own words. "Yes, I do miss you and of course I still love you. I'm just...hurt by you, I guess." He said softly. I felt pain, from the hurt that I had caused him. "I know you don't really want to hear it, but what I felt for Jay wasn't love. I think it was that I missed you so much and I just needed someone there for me, and there he was. I promise I wasn't trying to replace you, I love you with all my heart, I really do." I confessed as I took his hand into mine. "You don't have to believe me, but I swear I'm telling the truth. I miss you so much, and I just want to be with you again." I added. He let my words sink in for a couple moments before responding. "I believe you Perrie, I just don't know if I can trust you again." He said, doubtful. "You can Zayn. There is no other guy in my life other than you, and I'm not going to have anymore fake relationships, there is nothing to be worried about. I know my word isn't much to you, but you have my word that I am all yours." I promised.

Zayn's POV

     I stared into her entrancing blue eyes with dashes of grey, seeing nothing but truthfulness and sincerity. I knew last time she promised me not to worry about anything she had broken it, but this time I wanted to believe her. I wanted to believe that she was being sincere. Her hands wrapped around mine as I gazed down at our connection, thinking. I knew I was advancing to fast; forgiving too fast. My heart kept telling me to go for it, that nothing negative would happen. So I did. "I forgive you and I believe you, but trusting you could take some time." I said as I looked back into her eyes. I could practically see them light up in joy just in a chance that we could be together again. "Thank you, I'll prove to you I'm worth your trust, trust me." She said with a small smile. "Good." I said as I gave her a light kiss on the lips.

     My phone went off as I answered it. "Hello?" I asked, kind of annoyed that the caller had ruined a moment between Perrie and I. "Zayn! Mum's woken up just now!" Doniya's voice rang through the phone. "Yes! I'm on my way, I'm just at Perrie's. I'll be there soon alright? See ya." I said with excitement with the good news. "My mum's woken up, I’ve got to go to visit now." I said hurriedly and I sat up. "Oh good! I guess I'll see you soon or some time?" She asked. "Yeah I guess." I said, thinking of my schedule. I had to go back on tour soon though. "Do you want to come visit too?" I offered as I turned around from the door. Her eyes were bright with surprise, "That would be lovely." She said and got up, following my lead out the door.

An hour later (Perrie’s POV)


     When he asked me if I wanted to visit his mum with him, I felt as if it was a step forward to him trusting me. He knew I cared about Trisha and Waliyha, I hope he knew I was there for him too. Zayn’s head popped out of his mum’s room, “She’s asking for you.” He informed with a small smile as I headed into the hospital room. “Perrie!” She exclaimed. She sounded fine, but she certainly did not look fine. There were cuts, bruises, and bandages everywhere. “Trisha, are you feeling okay?” I asked with full concern as I advanced to the bedside. “I’ll live.” She shrugged with a weak smile. “I am so glad that you and Zayn patched things up. You are so good for him.” She said warmly. Her words made me blush as Zayn’s fingers interlocked with mine. “Thank you Trisha, it means a lot.” I said quietly. She had told me countless times that she loved me, but none of it really hit me like it did now. It made me think that Zayn really was the one for me. The doctor came in and interrupted us, having to do some check-ups on his mum. We excused ourselves as we headed out of the room.

     “Did you tell your mum when you’re leaving again?” I asked. He nodded with a sad look in his eyes. “It’s only a little over two months to go isn’t it?” I asked, trying to lighten up the mood. “I suppose, but I talked to her and she agreed to let me spend my last day with you tomorrow.” He informed. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “No Zayn, you should spend it with your family. They need you.” I protested. He shook his head, “No, we need it. I really don’t want the next two months with the memory of you parting away from me in this hospital. I want to go somewhere, make it memorable.” He explained. “That is…if you’re free.” He added. I nodded, “Of course I am. I just have a few more interviews tonight then I have a few days off.” I said. “Does that mean you have to go now?” He asked, sadness filling his expression. “Yes, but I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” I questioned. He nodded and pulled me close to him, wrapping me in a warm and tight embrace before giving me a sweet, short kiss.

     He wanted a date that was memorable, and I knew that date had to be one to make him trust me completely. I already had something planned in my mind, it would prove to him that I was worthy of his trust, it would mend this relationship. I just needed it to be perfect.


Author's note: First off, I am completely aware that this chapter is all over the place and just not good in general. I apologise and the next chapter will be 100x better, I assure you. I suppose this is a filler chapter, but at least Zerrie made up! Vote, fan, comment with your thoughts weyheyy :D x

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