Lucifer x Male! Reader

Start from the beginning

"Now ____, we have given you a gift- you should be grateful."

"Grateful? For torturing me for years? For using me in experiments? For being the worst foster parents ever? For changing my whole soul and body just because you wanted a powerful being on your side?" I asked, and my foster mother nodded. I scoffed and with one last look stormed out of the room and out of the house. I quickly teleported away from the city, and into the nearby forest (how I knew to teleport I had no idea) where I could get away and try to figure out what to do next. I sat down by the trunk of a large tree and curled in on myself, curling my wings around me. I felt tears fall out my eyes, and I began to sob. Everything had happened so suddenly, and I couldn't believe what my foster parents had done to me; I mean, I thought it was impossible to create an angel... And to think of all the things that could have gone wrong, and that they used me without a thought to my wellbeing... I knew they hated me, but to know they would just throw me away tore me apart.

"I guess I just have to carry on... I mean, being an angel is kind of cool." I said out loud, trying to stay positive. "I could become the best hunter ever, and save countless lives!" I lit up at the thought and smiled to myself.

"Ok, before I become a hunter, I need to get used to being an angel..." I murmured, before walking off to find a clearing so that I could see what I could do.

*A Few Years Later*

I smiled as I sat down on my bed, flicking my hand to watch the TV. I had just managed to kill a large group of demons that were terrorizing a small town near where I lived, and I had killed them all as well as saved some of their meat-suits. It was a job well-done as far as I was concerned, and I was really enjoying my new life as an angel/hunter. I had full control of my grace now, and had built a large home for myself and also made a name for myself in the hunting community. I had learned all about the Winchester brothers, and because of my new abilities had managed to track down my real parent's records, and found out that I was actually an older cousin to Sam and Dean. The idea had thrilled me at first, however when I watched them hunt I realised they had no idea I had existed and that I would likely be in danger if they knew what I was, so kept to myself and well away from the Winchesters. The only problem with my new life was that it could get very lonely at times, and I felt a part of me was missing, a very important part. I had no idea what it was, but I knew I could not rest until I found it. Just as I was about to settle down for the rest of the night there was a knocking on my door, and I frowned, not expecting any visitors. I cautiously made my way to the door, and telepathically saw that it was Sam and Dean calling. I bit my lip, but decided to answer the door and just act natural.

"Hello." I said, opening the door. "Can I help you?"

"Are you ____?" Dean asked, and I nodded, before I was slammed back against a wall by Sam, his large body pressing against my own. I looked into his determined eyes, and smiled.

"Easy cousin." I said, and Sam frowned. I gave him a smile before sending him flying backwards, pinning him against the wall. I then gave him a smirk before Dean came up to me, a knife in his hand. I gave him a quick smirk before knocking him out by punching him in the face and smashing him against the wall.

"DEAN!" Sam cried, and I just turned to the younger Winchester.

"Don't worry, I shall not kill him." I said, before picking Dean's body up.

"What are you going to do to him?" Sam asked, and I sat Dean on a chair, and with a click of my fingers both him and Sam were tied up in my living room.

"I am not going to do anything, so long as you tell me that you were doing outside my door at this time in the night and then attacking me for no reason." I replied, moving to stand in front of the younger Winchester. He sent me a glare and refused to talk, so I just shrugged. "Fine then. Get comfy, because you aren't going anywhere. And I wouldn't try to call your angel friend of yours, this place is hidden from angelic radar, so he wouldn't be able to find you." Sam sent me a glare and with that I left them on their own, waiting for Dean to become conscious again.

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