Archangel Gabriel x Reader

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"God damn it Gabriel!"

You can only blink through the water and stare at the chaos as Dean hurls some pretty harsh invectives at the man (?) clutching his stomach and laughing hysterically. You thought you were hunting a vengeful spirit, but Dean is cursing and called the man (??) by name...but there's no way all that water falling from the sky was natural...

"Sometimes I really wish shooting him would hurt," Sam mutters and you look at him feeling some surprise. Sure he sounds like he's meeting up with someone he doesn't like, but he's also relaxing his guard like he trusts him, so wanting to shoot the guy seems a little ruthless. It's something you'd expect from Dean, but not Sam.

"Jeeze Louise, Dean-bean. I thought you'd appreciate the free shower," 'Gabriel' says mockingly. He glances over and his eyes alight on you. Normally you'd give him a once over and be done, but you can't stop staring. He's...mesmerizing, somehow.

"Hey boys, who's the new partner?" he asks and gives you a little wink. You stare in shock –is he flirting with you?– and he laughs. "Wow; if looks could kill I might actually be dead!"

"I wish," Dean mutters.

You sigh. If you had a nickel for every time someone mentioned your 'resting bitch face' you'd have been able to buy a friend long ago instead of getting by entirely on your own until two cynical hunters decided they didn't mind your psychopathic stare. And it doesn't help that, obviously, your idea of your expressions and other peoples' perceptions of your expressions don't match up. You open your mouth to try and smooth things over but Gabriel takes a bow, says, "It's been fun!" and vanishes.

You shake some more water out of your face and ask, "What the fuck just happened?"

You get a Cliff's Notes when you're all back at your cars. You're all toweling off as Dean and Sam tell you about Gabriel– how they met him, who he really is, and why he was doing the things he did.

"All angels are dicks," Dean says as he throws his wet shirt into a plastic bag. "Gabriel's just got a more screwed up sense of 'morals' than the other ones."

"Okay." And you actually mean it. You certainly hadn't felt bad for the victims; you had really only taken on the hunt in fear that innocent people would get caught up in it too. Knowing Gabriel has a code, you decide this case is well and truly closed.

"I'll get Cas to talk to him," Dean says and slams his trunk shut.

It's hard for you to believe Gabriel and Cas are brothers in any sense of the word; they're so...different. "Does he listen to Cas?"

"Sometimes," Sam says and hands you back your towel with a quick word of thanks. "I think he still feels guilty."

"Guilty for what?" you ask as neutrally as you can. An angel who ran away from home, became a pagan trickster god, and still delivers his own sense of justice to jerks and evil people in the world. God help you but Gabriel is fascinating and you want to know everything you can about him.

As Sam and Dean launch into the tale of their adventures in 'TV Land', you're suddenly very grateful for your natural poker face.

You get the feeling they wouldn't appreciate the laughter.

As fascinating as Gabriel is, though, you get the feeling he doesn't like you much.

"Oh, Captain Holt, lovely to see you."

"What's new, K. Stew?"

"Hey Terminator, catch!"

"Where do you want this, Detective Diaz?"

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