Sam & Dean x Reader

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| Deans POV |

I was driving my baby to Louisiana to check out this case with Sammy about some Paranormal stuff. "Hey Dean?" Sam spoke 

"Yeah?" I reply 

"When do you think Cass will be back?" I start having a flashback of when Cass was still with us (He's dead in this). "Um I don't know Sammy" I quickly wipe a tear away before Sam sees me. I can't let him see me like this. 

{Time Skips}

| Dean POV |

We finally arrive in Louisiana and we are now looking for a decent motel to call home for a couple days. We check into Laura's Louisiana Motel, honestly it's decent compared to other motels but as I said it's decent. After we drop off some stuff we drive over to the Police Station to check out some weird murders.


| Dean POV still |

"I'm Federal Agent Kirkland and this is my partner Agent Rosewood" I said me and Sam showing our "Badges". The Police Officer shows us the way to the morgue where we talk to the woman about what happened to the victims. 

"This is the first victim Laura Clark she was only 14, her parents found her in her room with three deep gashes on her wrists and back."

"So we know this isn't suicide".  I whisper to Sam, he nods. Then she lifts up the covers to show her wrists and back 

"Hey Dean look" Sam points towards the girls eyes. Just then another girl walks into the room. "Agent Rogers, I'm here to see the Victim. I'm with the FBI" I look over to see this woman in her like mid twenties with (e/c) eyes, (h/l) (H/c), She showed the nurse her badge. She looked at me with a raised brow, I must have been staring, I quickly look back at the victim.

| Your P.O.V. | 

Who are these two? They better not be stealing my case! I think to myself I then notice the shorter man has been staring at me I then look away from him and ask the nice woman about the Vic. She tells me that the girl was named Laura and was 14, still so young and that she had 6 deep gashes, 3 on her back and 3 on her wrist. I ask where she was found and she tells me that she was found in her home at 222 Baker Street. The men quickly look at each other than at me, then they head for the door I followed behind, I walked through the doors then searched for my keys in my side bag, but since I wasn't looking in front of me I accidentally walked into the Tall guy.

"Hey I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. Just wondering are you a-" I quickly cut him off. 

"A hunter? Yeah, so who wants to know?" I saw with venom. His older brother Dean looks at me with this smirk then winked, I immediately said "I'm out of your league honey so don't even try and by the way I'm (y/n) Parker." I look down at my watch, seeing the time, it was getting late. 

"I must be going I gotta be somewhere that ain't crawling with idiots" they look at each other then back at me. "Bye Bitches✌🏻️" I quickly jump into my car and drive off to the motel I'm staying at. 

{Time Skip}

| Reader POV |

To my surprise it looks like those to Bozo's also just happened to be at the same motel I checked into. "Hey you, Parker" Dean says I look behind me and there he was waving to me in his Impala.

"I have a name, use it! It's y/n" I then saw Sam get out of the vehicle, I glare at Dean then walked around it and started talking to his brother "it's a spirit and a vengeful one in fact" I say he looks at me and nods. Dean got out of the impala and pats me in the back saying. 

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