Sam x Reader

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It's been a long trip. Sam was exhausted and looking forward to a long nap as he boarded the plane. He'd picked the seat by the emergency door so he'd have some extra leg room. He'd been almost a head taller than everyone else since midway through high school and it was a blessing and a curse. Sam smiled wearily at the stewardess as he carried his heavy bag down the ramp. She blushed and grinned when he ducked through the opening into the main cabin.

"Welcome aboard! Can I get you anything before you're seated, um..."

"Sam, and nah, I'm good I think." Sam smiled warmly but moved quickly past her to get to his seat. The overhead bins were all open so he shoved his duffel into the one above his row and swung himself into the aisle seat. He'd wanted the window seat when he booked but someone else had already purchased the seat. He was hopeful that they weren't a talker. Sleep was calling his name but he didn't want to be rude and make someone wake him up to get into their seat.

Sam's eye caught on a curvaceous beauty making her way down the aisle with a bulky backpack. Her dark hair was drawn up into a messy bun, little tendrils of hair spilling from the sides. She looked as though she was just as tired as he was. With a book shoved between her arm, and the side of her ample breast, and a pair of glasses perched on her nose threatening to fall, she stopped in front of him and struggled to push her bag into the compartment above her head. S

"Hey, uh, can I give you a hand?" Sam spoke to the bare midriff in front of his face. As if she had just noticed it had been lifting her t-shirt a little too high, she dropped the bag and grabbed at her shirt. Sam caught it and chuckled as her cheeks blushed crimson.

She adjusted her glasses as she apologized. "I'm so so sorry. This stupid bag is going to be the death of me. That's the last time I try to get all my stuff into a carry on. Thank you so much."

Her eyes followed him as he stood, mouth dropping open in shock. Sam was long and lean and his muscle stretched against the soft cotton of his shirt. Her eyes were stalled on a small strip of his exposed midriff when he spoke.

"Are you my seatmate?" He grinned at her when she finally looked up to meet his warm hazel eyes. She was mortified and nodded before seating herself quickly.

He climbed back into his seat and teased her as he buckled his seatbelt. "It's only fair, you did give me a show first."

"Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed. I swear I don't expose myself to everyone I meet. I'm Y/N, and you are?"

"Sam Winchester. It's nice to meet you. Is Kansas home, or are you just going to be passing through?" Sam wasn't so tired, all of a sudden. This sweet woman had his full attention.

"Oh Kansas is home. I was born and raised in Lebanon. You?" She brushed the hair from her face and smiled at him as his face gave away his surprise.

"Lebanon is home for me too. At least it is now. We've been all over the place. Small world!" Her face fell just slightly at his words. His heart sank as he thought about how much he didn't want to scare her off. Maybe he'd come on too strong.

"We, huh? So are you married then?" She smiled softly and looked down at the cover of her book as she kicked off her shoes and settled in. Sam watched her profile and wondered what her hair looked like released from the confines of the hair sticks holding it in place.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You said, 'we', are you married?" She began to wish she hadn't asked and felt like she was prying.

"OH! No, no. I meant my brother. We live together. Sorry, I should have been more clear. What about you? Is there someone special?" He tucked his long, auburn hair behind his ear when he spoke, she couldn't take her eyes off of the way his fingers moved and the fluid ripple of his forearm.

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