Sam x Birthday! Reader

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Just because yesterday was my birthday so I decided to post a Birthday Themed Fic!!! Enjoy and have a lovely day babes!!!

"Come on, (y/n),"  Sam urges.  "Blow out your candles."  The room is dark, the only light coming from the candles.  The flames flicker shadows across Sam's face, making him impossibly handsome.  You grin, breathing deeply, preparing yourself to let out a breath.  You're just about to blow, when you pause.
"Oh come on, (y/n),"  Dean groans.  "Make a wish already.  It's not that hard.  I want cake."
"Dean,"  Sam reprimands him, "give her a second.  It's her birthday wish."
Dean rolls his eyes as he leans against his chair.  "Please.  It's not like it will come true."
"Somebody has unresolved issues,"  you say haughtily.
Dean holds his hands up in defense.  "Hey, I'm just saying none of my wishes ever came true."
"Maybe it's because you never shared your cake,"  Sam puts in.
Dean narrows his eyes at Sam.  "What does that have to do with anything?"
"I'm just saying, the wish fairy probably takes selflessness into account when granting birthday wishes,"  Sam shrugs.
"Sounds like I'm not the only one with unresolved issues," Dean glares a moment at Sam before turning back to you.  "Just make a wish."
While they had been bickering, you had been thinking hard about your wish.  What did you really want more than anything?  Every year you wished for the same thing.  Sam.  But, you realize maybe you need to be more specific.  After all, you have had Sam.  Just not the way you want.  So this time, you make your wish a little more detailed. 
"Okay,"  you nod firmly.  "I'm ready."
"Goodness, finally!"  Dean throws back his hands.
You squeeze your eyes closed and wish.  Then you blow out the candle.  Sam and Dean let out a chorus of whoops and you grin excitedly.  You so hope the wish fairy heard your wish.  Dean grabs the cake, cutting it into pieces.  Surprisingly, he lets you and Sam have the first pieces. 
"There,"  Dean says, plopping a big piece in front of Sam, "Think the wish fairy sees that?"
"But it's not your birthday, Dean.  It's too late for you,"  Sam says seriously, just about to dig into his cake. 
Dean glares at Sam again.  "Fine."  He reaches out and takes Sam's piece away from him, placing a much smaller piece in its place.  Then he shoves a forkful of Sam's stolen cake into his mouth, grinning triumphantly.
"You're so immature,"  Sam grumbles, taking a bite out of his new piece.
You shake your head and laugh to yourself.  For such handsome and dangerous men, they could be incredibly silly sometimes.
You're all quietly eating the cake for a minute before Dean speaks up.
"So, (y/n),"  he asks casually, "what did you wish for?"
Your face heats up and you try not to look at Sam.  To avoid answering, you shove cake into your mouth, chewing slowly.
But Dean is relentless and waits for an answer. 
"Dean,"  you say desperately, "you know you can't tell a wish.  It won't come true.  Right, Sam?"  You look to Sam for back up.  But his head had been perked up curiously, waiting for your answer as well.
He shrugs.  "You shared your cake.  I don't think the fairy will hold it against you.  Besides, I'm curious,"  he adds, grinning.
You frown.  "I-uh...."
Dean smirks.  "It must have been something good.  You were thinking about it forever."
"I wished I could have a cat,"  you blurt out hopefully.
Dean's grin falls.  "Seriously?"
Sam is searching your face curiously.  "You're allergic to cats,"  he says pointedly.
"Ahhh...."  Dean turns back to you.  "Out with it."
You fidget, thinking frantically.  Both brothers are staring at you, waiting for you to speak. 
"Fine,"  you grind out.  "I wished....."  you feel a raging blush spreading across your face.  "I wished I could be kissed in the rain.  There.  Now you know.  If it doesn't come true, it's your fault."  You point accusingly at Dean. 
Dean scoffs.  "The cat wish was better.  Who wants to kiss in the wet, cold rain?  I ain't kissing ya, princess."
"I didn't want you to,"  you say, annoyed.  Sam has been quiet this whole time and when you chance a look at him, he's thoughtfully poking his cake with his fork.  You're not even sure he heard what you said.  The wish wasn't brought up again and eventually you forgot you even told them.


You peer dismally out of the window of the impala, watching as the rain falls down.  You're waiting in the car while Sam and Dean talk to a potential lead and it's pouring buckets.  You rest you forehead against the chilly glass, sighing.  So far, your birthday wish had gone unanswered.  You are beginning to give up hope.  You close your eyes, enjoying the sound of the drops hitting the car roof.  You start to doze off a little when a sharp tap against the window startles you.  You snap open your eyes and see a very wet Sam peering at you through the window.  Darn, he's so sexy when he's wet.  You gulp, trying to push the thought from your mind.  You look at Sam questioningly.  He points down, indicating for you to unlock the door.  You comply and Sam opens the it.  Some of the rain drops hit your legs and you pull back, frowning.
"Sam, what're you doing?  Where's your umbrella?"  you ask, confused.
Sam leans against the door frame, crouching down to look at you in the car.  He's grinning and you feel your heart patter nervously.  His drenched hair is sticking to his forehead, dripping water onto the car seat and something about his expression is making you nervous. 
"I don't need it,"  he says, breathing heavily.  It sounds like he ran from the house.  "And you don't either.  Come on."  He starts to reach for you, but you pull back horrified. 
"What?! In the rain? What's going on?!"
"Just.... trust me,"  Sam smiles at you, holding out his hand.  Those're reaching for his hand before you even think about it.  It's a shock when he pulls you out of the car and into the rain.  You gasp as the cold water splats against your neck. 
Sam grins and tugs you close.  "Sam...?"  you glance up at him nervously.
"You said you wanted to be kissed in the rain,"  he says.  Then he tenderly cups your cheeks in his large hands and slowly leans toward you.  He's so tall, he almost has to bend in half to reach you.  He pauses for a moment, letting his lips hover over yours.  You think maybe he's waiting to see if you'll protest.  But even if you wanted to, you can't.  You're completely immobile, only staring up at Sam through half closed eyes.
"Close your eyes,"  Sam whispers softly.  You do and after another agonizing moment, you feel Sam's lips touch yours.  It's such a strange sensation.  The warmth from the kiss spreads through your body as the cold rain hits your face.  It's oddly pleasant and much more romantic than you thought it would be.  Sam's wet lips slide against yours and his hands move from your face down to your hips, gripping you tightly.  You bury your fingers into his wet hair, loving the feel of it as it sticks to your fingers.  Slowly, Sam pulls back, opening his eyes to see your reaction. 
You laugh, breathing hard.  "Wow." 
Sam grins, satisfied.  "So, your wish did come true."
"It did.  But it wasn't what you thought,"  you grin.
"What?"  Sam furrows his brow.
"My wish wasn't that someone would kiss me in the rain,"  you explain, blushing slightly.  "My wish was for you to kiss me."
Sam's mouth opens slightly in surprise.  "Oh, " he pauses.  "So, I got all wet for nothing?" 
You laugh pulling him closer.  "Pretty much."
He gazes at you in disbelief, before he starts laughing too.  Then he tugs you toward the open door of the impala, pulling you in and closing the door. 
"If you wanted me to kiss you,"  he says, pushing your wet hair aside and placing a warm kiss against your neck, "you should have just said so."
"I wasn't sure you wanted to,"  you say, breathlessly.  Goodness, those lips.
"Oh, I did,"  he says, kissing your shoulder.  "I still do."  He reaches for your lips again.  "How about we get out of these wet clothes?"  he asks, gruffly.
"Okay,"  you agree wholeheartedly.  Best Birthday wish ever.

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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