Human! Castiel x Male! Reader

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The warm breeze drifted through your (h/c) hair. Sun shone warmly on your back as you sat on a park bench, waiting for your date. In your hands were two hot dogs. You had agreed to meet your date at one on that very bench.

Looking at your watch you saw that it was one thirty. Glancing down the sidewalk, you weren't able to catch any hint of your date. You sighed, pulled out your phone and quickly dialed the number. The ringing continued until the answering machine took over.

"Hey, I'm waiting in the park and don't see you. We were supposed to meet at one so hopefully you are on your way. Call me when you get this." You shut off your phone and leaned back.

Another half hour passed but no one showed. Standing you took one last look either way down the sidewalk. There was still no sign of your date so you started walking towards home. You reached the edge of the park when you realized that you were still holding the hot dogs.

You were about to throw them into the nearby trash can when you stopped. Ahead of you was a dark haired homeless man sitting against the fence of the park. He seemed hungry so you went over to him and held out the food.

"You look hungry. Please take these, I'm not going to eat them." He grabbed them from you.

"Thank you. This hunger, it's new to me. Everything is new to me. The hunger, the cold. It's nice to see decent people live in this world. Thank you."

You almost walked away but how he said that kep you in your place. You thought for a minute before coming to a decision.

"Why don't you come with me tonight. I can give you some food and a warm place to sleep. You can even take a warm shower once we get there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Please, I'd love to be able to help you."

"Then if you're sure. Thank you again." With that you helped him up and you headed towards your house.


When you arrived at your apartment, you pointed the man towards your shower.

"I'll get you some fresh clothes. You look to be about the same size as me. Let me go grab some and I'll be right back." You quickly found a pair of jeans and a button up shirt for him and set them on the bathroom counter. "If you need anything else, just let me know. I'm going to make some dinner while you're showering." He nodded and you left him be.

A little while later, you were finished heating food just as he walked into the kitchen, showered and dressed.

"I have some food heated. I hope you like spaghetti." You handed him a plate of food and a glass of water. He sat at the small dining room table and you soon joined him with a plate of your own. "By the way, I don't think we were ever properly introduced. I'm (y/n)."


He ate until the plate was empty so you offered him a second helping. He readily accepted and the second plate was soon gone as well.

After dinner you cleared the plates and sat in the living room with Steve.

"So tell me how you ended up alone on the street. It's evident that you are used to better and haven't been out there long."

"You're right. Everything is new to me. There was someone who I thought I could trust but he betrayed me."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you." Silence fell over the room as you thought. "You know what? If you want to stay here until you get your feet under you, you are more than welcome to. I don't mind helping out where I can."

"I appreciate your kindness. I can't stay long though. I have to keep moving."

"At least promise me you'll stay a couple nights to get food and rest in an actual bed." He nodded. Satisfied, you got up to make the extra bed for him.


As promised, he was still around two days later. He had felt bad for simply sitting around so you let him help out with some of the chores including shopping and sweeping.

He was happy to have been given tasks and you were thrilled to be getting things done. Usually you were too busy to ever do real cleaning. Luckily it was also your day off so you had the leisure to supervise your house guest.

As you worked beside him, you realized that he was growing on you. He was a hard worker but it was more than that. He was also pleasant company and it was oddly adorable how clueless he was about the world.

While you worked you chatted about life; yours, the world around you. You also had to explain many of the references to movies and memes that you made.

At one point throughout the day, you were grabbing for a cloth when your fingers brushed against his. He didn't seem to notice your momentary freeze as your heat fluttered in your chest. This man you had found was now becoming a close friend but that flutter told you your true feelings. You were not about to bring it up to him though since you didn't know if he was one to hold feelings for other men.

That night at dinner you had soup. You ate in silence, simply enjoying the food and company. As you ate, you thought about his situation. He had nowhere to go that you were aware of and you knew that the apartment would be quiet once you were alone again.

"Steve, are you sure you need to leave soon? I have the extra bed and you could have a steady roof over your head as well as guaranteed food." He looked at you with a slight, questioning tilt of his head.

"I have already told you that I need to keep moving. It's not safe for me to stay in one place too long."

"But I could help you. You could be safe."

"I'm sorry (y/n), I can't."

"I like you, a lot. I don't care if it's weird for you to hear that. So please, stay another night at least. We can figure this out in the morning."


The room was dark as Castiel/Steve quietly got up. He quickly got dressed and made the bed. He crept down the hall and stopped outside your door to hear if you were awake. He heard light snoring coming from your room so he continued on his way towards the door.

Castiel knew that he had made a promise to stay until morning but with the time he had spent with you, he knew how stubborn you could be. He didn't want to put you in danger from the angels so leaving was his best course of action. Frankly, he had spent too much time as it was there.

"I'm sorry (y/n)" He whispered as he opened the front door. He took a last glance around the room and silently slipped out into the night.

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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