Dean x Witch! Reader

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  "We got a case," Dean popped his head into Y/n's room without knocking. "You wanna come? It's only a couple hours out of town."

"Yeah sure!" Y/n sat up in her bed. She was used to Dean entering unannounced. Both brothers did it, that's why she installed a lock. Thank you Home Depot. "What's the case?"

"Coven of witches killing tourists. Really sick stuff. Sam can show you the crime scene photos if you want. Shit like this is why I hate witches, they're just plain evil."

Y/n's jaw tightened slightly, "You guys leaving right now?"

"Yeah, we're all packed up."

"Well I would, but I have a date," Y/n smirked.

Dean raised his eyebrow, half of him knew she was joking but the other half really didn't care.

"-with the Gilmore Girls," She finished. "Last week, Rory gave some serious attitude to Lorelai and I just have to see how this plays out!"

He chuckled, "Didn't that show end forever ago?"


"You could record it."

"I could," Y/n nodded. She tapped her chin pretending to think about it. "But I'm not going to. Plus I don't have pants on right now and I am not planning on putting any on."

"I don't see how that's a problem," Dean smirked as he sauntered over to the bed.
Y/n laughed, "Get outta here!" She grabbed both of his hands and pulled him into a kiss. She broke the kiss quickly and whispered. "If you need me, I'll go."

"No, we got this. I just like spending time with you," Dean said. Their faces were close, their noses almost touching. He didn't want to move away.

"Right back at ya," She smiled. "Now kiss me again and get out of my room."

"With pleasure," Dean pressed his lips to hers in a brief but passionate kiss.

"Be safe," Y/n called as he walked to the door.

"Always. Hey I'm thinking Chinese food for dinner, you in?"

"You betcha," Y/n beamed.

"Ok great, I'll see you soon. I love you."

Dean's expression faltered. He threw one last smile at Y/n before he ducked out of the room. As soon as he was out of sight he cursed. Dean never said he loved her before and he certainly didn't mean to say it then. Sure, he'd loved her ever since he first saw her but he'd never saidit.

As Dean left the room, the smile dropped from Y/n's face. He loved her? Loved loved her? Not just an aggressive like? Guilt tugged at her heart and she gently bit her lip.

It had been five months since they had started dating and Dean had no idea she was a witch. She had been very careful not to give him any clues. Y/n kept all of her spell ingredients in multiple shoeboxes in her closet, she never left a candle lying around (they were also in the closet), and as far as Sam and Dean knew she'd never heard of Practical Magic or Bewitched. They also assumed Y/n hated witches as much as they did.

That's not to say Y/n stopped practice magic when she moved in. She wasn't about to change a huge aspect of herself just because she'd gotten two new roommates and the best boyfriend she'd ever had. In fact Y/n had used her powers to help on several cases; tracking spells were an infinite help and protection charms eased her worry. But Y/n knew the dangers. If Sam and Dean ever found out she was a witch, there wouldn't be a happy ending. At best she would lose two of the most important people in her life. At worst... there would be blood.

So Dean couldn't really love her. He didn't know her. He only loved the Y/n she'd let him see.

Y/n swung her feet off her bed and walked over to the closet. She pulled out a pink shoebox and a white robe from the very back of her closet. She flicked her finger and the hair tie that held her ponytail wiggled itself out of her hair. It dropped to the ground without a sound. She shook her head and let her hair flowed down around her shoulders. Y/n pulled on the robe, which smelled like sage and jasmine, and started placing candles around her in a circle.

It was hard for Y/n to know what to feel when the boys went on a witch-hunt. Most of the witches Sam and Dean hunted were bad people. They killed for personal gain and sometimes just for the hell of it. But at the same time they were her people. Her mother had been a witch and her mother before her. So whenever a witch had to be taken care of, Y/n would cast a spell to help their souls into the next world.
Y/n sat with crossed legs in the middle of the circle. She took a deep breath and cleared her mind. Y/n reached out and lit the candles surrounding her with only the tip of her finger.

First order of business was to cast a mild luck charm on the brothers. The charm in mind was strong enough to change the course of a bullet but weak enough to not ruin their lives. Luck could be dangerous. Y/n closed her eyes and tried to focus on her words, on the power burning inside her but it was no use. She was completely and totally preoccupied. All she could think about was Dean.

It took Y/n five tried to get the spell right. It was very aggravating and time consuming but she loved Dean back, so how could she not think about him?

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