1. "Adult World"

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"Dad," Aufilea calls from the backseat making Jungkook look at his rearview mirror. He hums out as a response seeing her looking stunned at her phone. "I've been picked. I have just been picked. Oh my god! I got picked to join K! Entertainment!" She squeals.

"What? That's great news sweetheart," Jungkook whistles straight in satisfaction with a proud smile plastered on his face. He looks at her through the mirror, seeing her pressed tightly to her phone with the largest smile making her small eyes pop.

All her years in commercials, high school dramas and college theatres paid off to this very moment. A special internship in the biggest industry of production, K! Entertainment, he couldn't be a more proud dad feeling all his work, done.

"When do you start?" The car enters the driveway. Aufilea looks at the window spotting her mum reading a book outside on the fresh green grass. Everybody knew what this meant. When mum's at home Everything and Anything had to be cleaned, fixed or trimmed.

"It didn't say. I just have to be present on the check in day which is next week Saturday," she smiles removing her seatbelt getting out the car walking the long way to her dad's side. He opens his door standing up straight to give her a big hug.

"I'm so proud of you. You've become a big girl," he mouths as his head nuzzles in her hair. "Continue working hard and making us and yourself proud."

"Thanks dad, but stop speaking like I'm leaving soon," she chuckles.

Jungkook wraps his arm around her shoulder and she holds around his torso as they walk to Fiela. Aufilea gets a little emotional having worked so hard and so long for this amazing opportunity.

Fiela removes her earphones getting up. "I see smiles, tell me what's the good news,"

Jungkook admires his wife's natural look, wearing his white buttoned up shirt and her black skinny jeans. He sees her red bra inside and smirks.

"Guess what mum? I got accepted into K! Entertainment," Aufilea says cheekily. She gets closer in Fiela's arms, gradually joining in the hug. Jungkook waltz into the hug as well, bringing his arms around them both. "You're now looking at a professional actor to be,"

"Actor to be?" Fiela laughs. "You already got the spot," Fiela cheers letting go of Aufilea.

"Not yet though. I only got in as a trainee, now they're going to be looking at my skillset and abilities and eventually if I pass I'll be part of the entertainment," she says. "Thank goodness for this position. I've been praying for recognition from the biggest centres. It's not everyday you finish with a degree and heaven comes down, it's hell that you have to pass through. But thank the Lord I didn't have to pass through hell. If I pass, this could ultimately be my career,"

"Hold you horse sweetheart," Jungkook interrupts laying his head on Fiela's shoulder while still looking at Aufilea. "You still have to pass through hell. Hell will be being a trainee. There's always pressure when you're simply handpicked just like you. It's a fantastic opportunity but you have to be mentally and physically prepared for whatever they'll throw at you,"

"That's true. Your father here was recognised while still being in college and they just threw him in the field like that,"

"Really?" Aufilea asks being shocked.

"Yes. I remember when I was 16 and my sis... I mean.. I remember being 16 and I was watching TV and I saw him in his young boyish figure leading a whole police force team to rescue the girls that were hostages,"

"I also led the task force team, including the SWAT team," Jungkook adds with a proud smile. "I had to grow up mentally quickly and have my head in the field at all times. It's what I've always wanted to do so when the opportunity came by, I took it and now look at where that had led me," he motions to their big house and them as a family.

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