Puppu disappeared and his hair had double colour in it now. Moranga took a stance, ready to answer to any attack. Bickslow smirked and bolted towards, hitting his fist against the demon with raw power, making Moranga let out a shriek of pain.

"Yeah, that hurts!" Bickslow laughed when Moranga flew backwards because of the impact, but managed to stop finally. "Not done yet! Soul Trio: Pippupe!"

His hair got third colour, green this time on his top mohawk and he felt how his magic power doubled immediately. Green magic swished in the air as he raised his fist again.

"As I said, I'm in a hurry so I make sure this knocks you out", Bickslow said. "Destruction Formation!" he yelled and hopped forward, let his green magic take a chaotic form so intense it was actually hurting his arm like hell.

The whole forest - what was left of it - was hit hard by the bright green blast wave. Then there was nothing but silence left.

Bickslow panted heavily and struggled to stay on his feet. But he chuckled when he saw long and deep track at the ground, as he had send Moranga through the forest with one powerful attack.

"Oh fuck", the seith mage wheezed finally dropping to sit on the ground. His whole body felt like it was on fire! He wouldn't be surprised if his arm was fractured too. His body wasn't still used to this kind of attacks. And it was the first time he actually used three of his dolls at the same time!

He laughed maniacally and it echoed in the empty forest.

"It really worked", he grinned to his dolls, who giggled hovering around him. "We did it!"

"We're good! We're heroes!" 'babies' giggled happily.

"That's right. But now we must find Ever", Bickslow said and with great effort he stood up, Tiki dolls doing their best to support him. "Thanks, babies", he smiled and slowly they started to walk. He knew it probably wasn't the best idea but like hell he would give up yet and just stay put while others were still fighting! "Puppu, go search around."

"Aye, sir!" Puppu said mimicking the certain blue exceed and flew away.

Ever was almost shoved from her feet when she felt that blast Wave. What was it? Was Bickslow okay? She hissed quickly dodging when she saw slim and tall demon to attack, its big claws breaking the old tree trunk on the ground.

The blast wave had blown away the fog. It also revealed many bruises and wounds on Evergreen's body as she had hard time to follow where her opponent was moving because of the fog. Now the fog was away, but it was already starting to form up again around the forest.

She knew she had to do something about that fog before it could settle down again and get too thick.

"Fairy Swarm!" the brunette said, forming as many little fairies as she possibly could. Jish-Ahrna crouched immediately in defensive state, looking at those hundreds of little creatures. They were so bright, making it wipe its eyes with its huge paw-like hands. "Oh, I see", Ever chuckled deviously when she noticed this. "You don't like bright colours, is that it? My, this took an unexpected turn."

She waved her hands and the light got even brighter. She could hear how that heavy breathing turned more wheezing, like the demon was in pain. Ever smirked and swished her arms, letting her little fairies scatter all around the battlefield. Now she had an upper hand!

"If my fairies flutter their wings hard enough, I doubt your fog has enough time to settle", Ever said. "And them being that bright, how are you going to fight?"

Jish-Ahrna let out a frustrated hissing whisper. Then it moved its long arms and Ever flinched when the fog was moving and gathering faster. It started to swallow her fairies inside it one by one, making their lights dim.

The air was getting more cold and grass turned pure white when hoarfrost appeared all around with tiny crackles. Ever shivered and hissed, using her wings so she could get away but she knew she couldn't fly high. It was even more dangerous in the air because then Jish-Ahrna could silently attack her at any direction.

"You are even more stubborn than those three idiots, you know!" Ever said pointing at the demon who followed her movements. "I was just getting an upper hand! This is not acceptable!"

Jish-Ahrna looked like it was blinking because of confusion.

"Fine! I still have something I can use", Ever growled annoyed when the fog kept gathering and it already covered Jish-Ahrna. "I can be pretty stubborn too, just so you know!"

Jish-Ahrna whispered something and moved around in the fog, following its movements and that way it could tell exactly where the prey was. Lord wanted them to vanquish every possible threat that approached the mansion.

Suddenly light almost as dazzling as the sun itself shimmered through the fog, no matter how thick it was. The demon quickly covered its eyes to protect them.

"Hummingfairy!" Ever shouted and then the fog started to move again, but not because of Jish-Ahrna this time.

Evergreen was still in the air, but her wings on her back were moving so fast it was hard to even see them. They were letting out low buzzing sound and they moved the air enough so the fog couldn't get near her.

The bright light came from the chain mail she had around her, or it was more like a long evening dress made out of beautiful little golden chains.

"Do you like it?" Ever purred and swirled around in the air. "Try to hit with those ugly big claws of yours, they will break before you can even scratch this mail."

She would never admit it to anyone that it was Erza who gave her this idea. Not directly - like she would ask advices from her! - but she happened to be near when Erza and Elfman were talking how important it was to have something you could use to defend yourself. Ever had then thought of those many armours Erza had, but she just couldn't think of herself wearing something like that.

This was her style! Defence with glamour and exquisite!

"Go ahead", Ever chuckled with devious smirk. "Just try and attack", she said and created more yellow dust around her and that crystallized into tiny orbs. "If you won't I will", she said swishing dozens of orbs ahead and just like she was hoping, Jish-Ahrna did the mistake to try and hit them.

The demon was more than just puzzled when instead of breaking or disappearing, those orbs covered its body all around.

"Boom", Ever smirked snapping her fingers and huge explosion quaked the grounds of the remaining forest.

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