Charlottes Point Of View

As I climb the tree to Henry's window, I run through what I'm going to say. But when I climb through, everything leaves my head.

Henry is sitting on his bed with a blade in his hand, just about the slice the back of his wrist.

"Henry! Don't!" I yell. In surprise, Henry nicks the back of his hand.

"Charlotte, what are you doing here?" He says blushing.

"Henry... what are you doing? Were you cutting yourself?"

He stares at his shoes wearily. "Ya."

"Henry, what's going on?"

He's quiet for a moment before tears start tuning down his cheeks. I sit next to him and pull him to my side.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore." He cries.

"Do what?"

"Being Rai's sidekick. I'm tired all the time, I'm falling behind on school and I just, I don't know."

"Henry, if it's time you need off, Rai will let you."

"Char, I can't let him down. He's my hero."

"Henry, he adores you, you could never let him down. And Henry, cutting yourself will get you nowhere."

He nods and hands me the bloodied knife. He bandages his hand and dries his tears.

"Charlotte will you come with me?" He asks me.

"Hen, I think you should talk to him alone. Thats what he said to me anyway. That he wants to talk to you privately."

He nods though he has a look of worry.

"Henry, you don't have to worry about anything. He's your friend. He'll understand."

He nods as he climbs out the window and down the tree.

God I hope it works out.

Henry's Point Of View

I walk slowly down the street. The conversation fresh in my mind.

I know deep down Charlotte's right. He will understand.

When I finally reach Junk n' Stuff, I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Calm down Hart, just do what you did with Charlotte.

I ride the elevator down.

As the elevator dings, I feel uneasiness consume me.

As I walk out, I see Rai sitting on the couch. Charlotte must have told him I was coming.

"Hey Kid." He says.

"Hey." I reply.

"So, are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"Ya, I guess so." I walk over to him and sit down, realizing I hadn't moved.

Once I'm comfortable Rai starts.

"So, Kid, what's going on with you? Is it something I did?"

"No Rai, you did nothing wrong."

"Then what is it?"

"Rai, it's just, I feel so overwhelmed all the time, with school, with Kid Danger. I just- I just need some time to get myself together."

Rai sighs.

Oh god. He's not going to let me have time off. Or worse, he's going to fire me.

"Kid, thank god."

I look up.


"Thank god, I thought you were quitting or you were sick or something."

"Wait, you're not mad?" I ask, confused.

"Am I mad. Kid of course I'm not mad. I'm just glad you're ok. Of course you can take some time off. Take two weeks. Get your stuff together."

Tears start running down my face. I try to stifle them but they keep flowing.

"Kid. Kid look at me."

I look up. He was smiling.

"Henry, it's ok. It's ok." He says.

I nod and laugh.

"I really thought you were going to fire me." I say.

"Kid, I would never. Your my best friend. Henry, take time to get things in order."

I nod as he pulls me into a hug.

And I knew that everything was going to be ok.

Wow, two one shots in a day. Ok. I have two requests I'm about to start, but I'm still open to add any to my list.

Hopefully I'll be able to get the first out this evening, but I'm not sure.

I'm back to school again tomorrow but cross your fingers!

This one shot is a request from MecredieSmith by the way!

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