Chapter 31

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The elevator doors were closing when suddenly a wine velvet lace up stilletos blocked the door and stopped it from closing.

"Morning Ms. Mills,Isn't this a wonderful day."Emma holding on to the doors,a trickle of sweat is visible on the nook of her forehead.She did run a few meters to get to the elevator.

"Come here"Regina chuckled shaking her head.

Emma smirk as she removed her coat revealing her deep V-neck white blouse tucked in high-waisted black capri pants.

"Mmm dress to impress aren't we Ms. Swan?"Regina said biting her lips.

The elevator door closes and Regina let out a loud groan.

"Arrggg,I wanted to kiss you right now"and rip your clothes Regina added on her mind while gawking at Emma.

"Easy tiger,mama's watching"Emma was referring to the cameras inside the elevator.

"See you later babe"Emma whispered grazing on Regina hands as she passed by her.The latter proceed to her office with a radiant smile on her face.

"I see it went well yesterday huh,seeing that wide grin on your face.I bet you two went all out last night cause honey you're glowing"Regina silently giggle nodding her head until Kath's last sentence sink in to her brain....😶does she think Emma and I.Her friend was already laughing.

"No,NO! Katherine No!what-whatever you're thinking it-it's it didn't happen atleast not last night"Kath covered her mouth,Regina just revealed it accidentally.Now Regina face goes all red and hot it reaches the surface of her ears.

"Oh God,this is embarassing"she said covering her face.Kath never stops firing her with questions making the 36 year old brunette frown.

"Okay Katherine,that's enough I'm not discussing it now you better go because I am busy."

"I'm gonna stop..but was it...."Regina gave her a warning stare."Fine,fine,I'll go but first there's  something I wanted to ask."

"go on"

"How much do you know about this Isabelle Klaus?, except ofcourse the fact that she's Gregory's sister"Regina leaned back to her chair her hands clasped together looking at Katherine,wondering why she suddenly got curious about the woman.

"Not that much,Emma told me she runs their Family's Foundation and has her own clothing line,why?"

"Nothing,it's just I talked with her secretary on the phone this morning and you know the last thing she told me?her boss sends her regards to Emma and can't wait to see her tomorrow,isn't that weird"

"Here you go again Kath,you're assuming things again"

"Right right I'm sorry,I better go out now.bye"

Regina tried so hard not to let it get to her head but  once she started on her work again it starts to bother her again.You said you won't let it affect you what are you doing Regina.Unconsciously she was already typing Isabelle Klaus' name on google.Tons of pictures flash on the screen instantly.So she's blonde...She's beautiful...and young.It's not Regina's nature to feel insecure but at this point she can't help but feel insecure.The woman is everything anyone would want maybe including Emma.

"What's with the serious face?"Regina slammed her laptop shut."Nothing just.."she adjusted herself on her seat.

"Anyways Reg I got a call from Tita Cora telling me your not answering her calls yet again"Regina groan.

"I already told her I'm busy"

"Reg she told me that you need to call her or she would come her and said you wouldn't like it"

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