Chapter 30

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Katherine what did you do?

"What on earth were you thinking,telling Emma I'm with Robin?!"Regina was hysterical running her hands through her hair in frustration.She took her phone out and dialled Emma's number."please Em please pick up..please"Sadly all her calls went straight to voice mail.She throw her phone on the floor out of anger.

"Gina I-I'm really sorry I honestly thought.. don't worry I will fix this,I'll explain to Emma everything"seeing Regina so mad make Kath feel guilty but it also bothers her why Regina's making it a big deal.

"What is there to explain Katherine huh tell me!"Kath squinted taking a step back,she know she fucked up big time because Regina's using her full name."Cause right now our relationship is over before it is even official so there's nothing left to fix Katherine AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"Regina yelled then walked out leaving Katherine completely stunned.

Kath's POV

Our relationship is already over before it is even official there's nothing left to fix AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!

I just stood inside Gina's office stunned my mind is still processing her words.Relationship?what relationship is she talking about?well she did told me last week they're friends I even argued with her about it,but...No no no what am I thinking it's impossible Gina's not...I then spotted the note she was reading earlier now crumpled on the floor, I picked it up and read it.Woah!I gasp,no way!I read the note over and over.I can't believe it that's why she's taken a sudden interest on the marketing team because Emma supervises it,she wanted Emma going to her office frequently and also there was one time at the boardroom sneaking glances at each other,how the fuck did I miss that.I felt so stupid,being Gina's bestfriend I should've known.Arggghh I so freaking hate myself right now.

"I heard shouting,what's happening?"Rebecca entered and I instantly snuck the note in my pocket.I wonder if she knew what's going on.

"Nothing! j-just a little misunderstanding"I said also trying to convince myself.

"Reg was yelling,that's not little"Becs replied with an eyebrows raise at me and when she spotted the smashed phone on the floor she taps her left foot impatiently waiting for my answer.Should I tell her the truth?.

"I did something stupid that made Gina so mad"Becs shot me a you're screwed look.

"I know,I'm not feeling to good about myself and I need to find Gina you know how she is when she's mad"

"Good luck"Becs teased.

"Shut up,why don't you just help me"she put her hands up.

"Nah,I want to remain on the neutral side".actually I notice she's been distancing herself from Gina lately.Is it because of Emma?Does she know?

"You're a really a big help Becs".I scoffed."Anyways do you know where Emma is I also kinda want to talk to her."

"She went home after her last meeting she told me she's going to a concert tonight why?"her eyebrows quirked.

"Nothing,I just wanted to ask her about that the  "she Klaus" thing,anyways I have to go see you later Becs".

"Call me when you find her okay"well maybe I'm wrong and she doesn't know.

I went to the only place Gina would be when she's upset and I was right she's there.I slowly approached her

"Why didn't you tell me Gina?"I said as I took a seat beside her.She scoffed"As if it's just that easy"

"But still"I replied.

"What do you want me to say,hey Kath I think I'm into girls now and me and Emma had this little thing going on for almost a month now"she said with sarcasm."Knowing our history I'm sure you will think it's another plan of mine to get back at Emma"she continued and I felt kinda hurt.

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