Weir straightened and crossed her arms over her chest. "So you are telepathic?"

"Just..." Kai started to say and grunted as she realized she had once again been caught keeping things from them. "A little," she admitted.

"And you declined to mention it in your briefing," Weir accused.

Kai lifted her chin. She had been with them long enough now she was more confident in her place here. "So did you," she returned.

"Touche," Weir agreed.

Kai grimaced and leaned back against the pillows.

"But you're saying you've psychic abilities?" Beckett clarified. "Like the scans show?"

Kai opened her eyes, squinting against even the dim light. She held up her two fingers close together. "Just a little. I can't actually do anything useful with it."

"Define useful..." Weir said with interest.

Kai shrugged. "According to our histories some Lantians could read minds, move objects, some histories suggest the most powerful of them could predict the future."

"And your people?" Weir asked.

Kai shook her head. "My caste is only taught to defend ourselves from telepathic attack. I can sometimes sense when the Wraith are communicating telepathically, or trying to implant images in another's mind, but I can't do anything about it..."

"So you can sense telepathy?" Beckett asked with interest.

"Worst super power ever," McKay grumbled, but everyone ignored him.

Kai shrugged. "Only sometimes. It isn't something valued nor bred for in my caste. Zian's are prized for physical prowess over mental abilities."

McKay looked disgusted, but Weir had tilted her head in interest. Kai knew the Doctor's fascination with Ancients and in the interest of being one hundred percent honest, she continued. "But there are stories," Kai began, "Rumors about the Outland tribes, the Mortii not tied to the Grand council or The Academy. They are only beholden to the tribunal. They reproduce the natural way-"

"Instead of the unnatural way?" Mckay interrupted frowning in disgust.

Kai turned to him and lifted her chin. She wouldn't apologize to him for her culture. "Instead of artificially, in labs," she corrected. "They choose mates and can become what the stories call Bonded. The Bonded can share a telepathic link."

"Interesting," Beckett said thoughtfully. "And you've never-"

"Bonded?" Kai asked. "No."

"That's a quick reaction," Weir observed.

Kai shrugged. "In my caste taking a mate is forbidden. Attachment of any kind is looked upon as weakness and as I understand it, Bonding requires a deep emotional connection. Absolute trust. Absolute loyalty. Once Bonded it is never ended nor repeated. You Bond for life."

Weir leaned forward intently. "What if they die? Can you pick another?"

"It's my understanding you don't decide to be Bonded. You may choose a mate to spend your life with but that doesn't guarantee a Bond nor would a Bond guarantee a mate I would imagine," Kai replied.

Weir considered all Kai had said. She wanted badly to learn more about the Mortii and the Ancients that had led to the creation of such a culture, but there were more important matters at hand. "So you think Chaya attempted to communicate with you telepathically?" Weir asked after a moment.

Kai shrugged. "I honestly don't know what happened Doctor Weir. I was never very good at telepathy and my caste was not given much instruction. As I told McKay," she said gesturing towards Rodney. "I've had a headache all day. I was out for a walk when she said she wanted to meet me. I shook her hand and I couldn't move, when she left I could move again and then I passed out."

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now