Chapter 33 | Home

Start from the beginning

"He was a great cousin," Maddie muttered beside me. I nodded, "loving and caring human being."

Sometimes I wondered, even imagined what it felt like to be able to travel around the world. Just the two of us, moving from one city to another or country over country. Maybe making vlog for living or just be tour guide duo.

"Marsella—What the hell are you doing?" Jonathan asked me, shooking my shoulder. I brought back to reality just to hear jim saying, "Zoned out at a graveyard? Really? You know it's bad!"

"I'm not zoned out. I just wondering. About life. Our life. Our travel adventure."

They sighed before Jonathan suggested to visit Dad and Mom on their dessert house.


The smell of coffee hit my nose as I, Jonathan, Maddie and Matthew stepped our feet at MJ dessert house, which our parents owned. They named the dessert house just like they named us three.

Malachi Jonathan

Marcellino Jonael

Marsella Jovanka

We made our way to the small office beside the kitchen door. The office had glass door, and it's when I see the strongest man I know, my Dad.

"Hey Jo, let's just wait here in front of the door and stare at Dad until he realize," I said, hoping Jonathan would agree. In fact, I didn't tell both our parents that we came home. I wanted this to be a special surprise.

Jonathan nodded, "just like when we were kids."

"Aw, you remembered," I whispered. Not wanting to make any sound that dad would hear.

"We'll just ordered some coffee and sat there," Maddie said, dragging Matthew along with her. I nodded my head. Both I and Jonathan started to stare at Dad. He was so busy with the paper on his desk, and his computer as well. Slowly he felt maybe weird because he started to looked at his surroundings and then his eyes landed on the glass door. I and Jonathan both waved our hands and opened the door knob.

"Is that really you guys? Or am I hallucinating?" Dad asked us, stood from his chair. We hugged him tight at the same time—whoa, group hug!

"Surprise!" I exclaimed, he chuckled, "you need to stop surprising me and come home without telling me first."

"There's no fun. I loved seeing you surprised everytime you see us in front of your glass door," Jonathan said truthfully.

"You need to stop doing that too, you kids act like a serial killer in action," Dad joked while smiled.

"No—Dad, we don't," I said, chuckling.

"That was hillarious, Dad," Jonathan laughed, "serial killer don't just stare at its prey."

"Okay fine—anyway, you need to find your mom. She's in the kitchen. I'll finished my work. Tonight we're going to have family dinner. Ah finally!" Dad pushed us outside and led us to the kitchen door which is in front of his glass door. "Okay, Dad."

He went back to his office while we pushed open the kitchen door just to found Mom screaming happily when she saw us, "MY BABIES' BACK!"

We hugged her and correct her at the same time, "we're not your babies anymore, Mom."

"I gave birth to you, of course you're my baby," She kissed our cheeks.

"Jonathan much?" I asked her.

"Is that such a thing?" Jonathan asked, raising a brow.

"Yes, you and Mom practically the same. Always call us baby," I said to him then we three laughed together.

"Mom, can you make me chewy chocolate chip cookies with cheewy chocolate ice cream?" I begged her, "pleasee.."

"Of course, now stop whining," Mom made her way to the cookies display and took three chewy chocolate chip cookies. I asked with a puppy face, "just three?"

"Fine, I'll give you five," Mom rolled her eyes. I blow a kiss to her. She scoop three chewy chocolate ice cream and put them in the bowl, beside the cookies then handed them to me. I loved everything chewy.

"Thank you so much Mom!" I kissed her cheek. "Ye lah," she said in indonesian, annoyed. She spoke indonesian when annoyed, mostly by me. She walked to the freezer and took a box of crème brule for Jonathan, "Nah, this one's for you."

"Thanks mom,"

"He didn't asked for it," I protested. Mom smirked, " I know. He always want a crème brule. So without him asking, I just give him."

"Then why don't you do the same for me?"

"Because you are you. All depends on the mood," she said.

"That makes sense," I said they both laughed. "Okay, thanks mom."

We walked out the kitchen to where Matthew and Maddie had seated. They head snapped up when knowing that we joined them.

Maddie was the first to start a conversation, "So, how's life have been?"

"Great," I simply said, not mentioning the marquez drama.

We started to talked about Maddie's life then Matthew. She told me that she met this cute guy at the set and they became closer but Matthew became the most protective brother. He didn't want any boy break her heart or made her cry. The only boy who allowed to make her cry was him. Jonathan had his dream came true by joining Chelsea. He couldn't be happier.

Matthew joked just to enlighten the mood. I missed his jokes. Sometimes when his joke was not funny, we pretend to laugh but he could see the different in our laughed so if he heard the fake ones his face would go flat instantly.

Matthew now engaged to his long term best friend, Lana. They basically the best badminton duo ever! They had traveled around the world and won many championship.

As we laughed, the past dragged me to that time when we were sitting like this, but with Marcell beside me. so I was between Maddie and him. We were talking about our dreams and our future. Jonathan still on his senior high school soccer team. Me, Marcell and Maddie were on our eight grade, while Matthew attended a badminton academy.

Matthew would be like, "Once I become professional, I will win championships. I choose to became partner with Lana then we become best friend."

"I won the best main role at middle school drama competition!" Maddie screamed happily then she hugged me.

Jonathan still with his playing for Chelsea dream while I and Marcell were so optimist that we would travel around the world.

I felt my shoulder being shaken by Maddie. The past memories went off, then I saw the three of them staring at me. "You zoned out."

"Blame the past. It dragged me to the memory years ago. When we sat like this and talked about our dreams," I said to them. Suddenly Maddie hugged me, "It's okay. Don't be sad. I know you missed him. We are too."

I'm glad that I had amazing cousins and brother to support me in a time like this. And I can conclude that the hardest part of losing someone, isn't having to say goodbye, but rather learning to live without them. Always trying to fill the void, the emptiness that's left inside your heart when they go.

Thank You!


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