Chapter One: Morning Snowmans

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Migo called out. Meechee was about to run into him until she came to a complete stop right in front of him by a few inches, causing Migo to flinch a bit. Once Meechee got herself situated and relaxed, she greeted Migo with a warm smile.

"Good Morning, Migo."

"Morning, Meechee." Migo greeted.

"Are you ready for today?"

Migo asked. Meechee nodded with complete happiness in her sky blue glistening eyes. She was always looking forward to today every single day because every day was something new.

"Looking forward to it."

She replied with strong positivity. The two started the stroll around the village as they chatted to each other about almost everything, but it was mostly about the Smallfoots and their strange world. Migo brought up a subject that he and his Smallfoot have been working on for the last few days that dealt with communication.

"You know, the Smallfoot and I have been trying to figure out each other's names. Since I'm pretty sure Smallfoot is not his real name."

Migo chuckled at that one. Meechee was already intrigued by the story.

"Have you figure it out yet?"

"Not yet, but I think I'm getting close,"

Migo recalled being a lot of struggling between them and the language barrier only made communication more challenging.

After Migo sounded out his name several times, The Smallfoot tries to repeat Migo's name a few times. All Migo heard was the Smallfoot growling at him for some odd reason. Why was he growling? Was it something he said? And When Migo tried to pronounce the Smallfoot's name, The Smallfoot gave him an 'I don't think you're doing right' look and laughed it off. After a few tries, The Smallfoot and Migo talked for a little while and then called it a night. They both ensure to each other that they'll work on it tomorrow.

"How about the Smallfoot? Do you think he's getting a good grip on your name?"

"I don't know to be honest. Every time I say my name, he makes this weird growling noise, it sounded something like this,"

As a demonstration, Migo releases a high pinch growl to emphasize better what he means.

Meechee hummed at this valuable information.

"Very interesting."

Intrigued, Meechee started to think about it so more as she scratched her chin.

"That's a phenomenon, I believe."


"Phenomenon," Meechee corrected gently.

"You know how the Smallfoots make a squeaking noise whenever they talk?"

"Yes, they sound so adorable when they do that."

"Right, so what if every time we talk to the Smallfoots, they hear something totally different, like growling."

Migo was lost by this at first and did not really make sense, but then he slowly put the puzzle pieces together in his mind. It started to come together.

"So let me get this straight, every time I talk to the Smallfoot, he hears me growling?"

Migo was intimated yet rather curious at the same time. If this were to be accurate, it would explain a lot.

"It's just a theory, me and Kolka came up with it, we don't know for sure."

She assured him. Migo had to admit that was a pretty cool theory in his book.

Then Migo pops up a question."So why do you think we hear so differently?"

"I think it has to do something with both our ears maybe." She said.

The two started to approach a popsicle stand. Migo and Meechee ordered their usually favorite popsicle to fulfilled their hunger. After the two ate, they met up with Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem. They all expressed how excited they are to see the Smallfoots again except for Fleem, who seem less thrilled than anybody in the village.

"Just keep the Smallfoots as far from me as possible, they really like me for some odd reason, I have no clue why."

Then they met up with Migo's father and Meechee's brother, Thorp. Everyone in the village was prepared to move out. A large crowd of Yetis gathered together and exited the village and made their way to the drop-off or what Meechee liked to call it, 'The Edge of the World.' They all stood out on edge. The view of the mountains ranges touching the calm blue clear sky, and it was breathtaking.

Below the mountain is a large garden of pine trees that all stood tall. These trees grew everywhere. And who would thought that all this beauty they see before them used to be covered by a sea of endless clouds which they make?

Migo, who stood on her left side of Meechee, looked into each other's eyes with glimmer like they could read each other's thoughts. Then she leaned out and looked to her left. She saw Dorgle, Kolka, Gwingi, Fleem and a line of thrilled out Yetis. Then she looks to her right to see her brother, Thorp, who had a nervous smile on his face, stood next to her and another line of Yetis. Meechee smiled.

Everyone is here, or that's what she thought. Meechee looked both ways again to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. But she did not see him. Then she looked behind herself to see a row of talkative Yetis but still did not see him. Then she turned Thorp for answers.

"Throp, where's Daddy?"

This caught Migo's undivided attention as he too turned to Throp.

"He said he's not really mood in coming...again,"

He answered, sounding, unsure. Meechee smile faded away slowly.

"What's wrong? Is your father sick?" Migo asked with concern.

Now other Yetis around them were curious about the Stonekeeper's whereabouts as they listened. Meechee shook her head.

"No, he was never sick. He's been...distant. Like he's worried about something. That's why he hasn't been coming down with us for the last few days." Meechee explained.

"He's definitely has something on his mind about something. We don't know what." Thorp sighs.

Migo took in all this new info in his head. Migo knew the Stonekeeper hasn't exactly settled in with this new transition. It had to be hard for him. Then he knew what to say.

"It sounds like your father is going through some things right now and trying to...wrap his head around on some things," Migo said to comfort both siblings.

"Maybe give him a little more space and try to talk to him."

Meechee nodded in agreement.

"That sounds about right," Meechee looks back at Throp with the sense of hope in her eyes as her smile returned.

"All he needs is a little help, that's all." With that, Meechee shock ou her worries and doubts.

Thorp nodded with a satisfied smile.


Then they focus back to the thing at hand. Migo held Meechee's hand as she held his. They give one last look at the scenery in front of them. Migo took a deep breath.

"Is everyone ready to head down!?" Migo shouted out to the crowd.

In response, a wave of cheering in happiness can be heard all around them. Migo looks down the mountain with a great sense of joy in his heart and mind.

"Let's go."

To Be Continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed CHAPTER ONE! Seeing Smallfoot was differently surprising and beyond my expectations. Who knew a cartoon could have a deep message. Love the movie and its charters so much!

See you in CHAPTER TWO!👣

💖Have a good day💖

Smallfoot: Ever-ChangingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora