13:Surprise appointment

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Tristan was sitting in the doctors' office waiting for his doctor to come in when the door opened.

"Dr. Jones is caught up in surgery so I'll be taking his place."

The doctor said entering the room.

Tristan looked at him.

"Hi I'm Dr, Mike," he introduced himself to Tristan.

"Hi," he said while Dr. Mike took a seat by the computer and pulled up Tristan's records.

Tristan was staring him down while his back was turned.

"Any new issues or problems you're having?"

Dr. Mike asked. turning the chair around and facing Tristan.

Tristan shook his head.

"No, I'm good."

"Is the medicine helping?"


"Ok well, the good news is that things are looking good, but you do need to change your diet and start eating healthier."

"Ok," Tristan said.

Mike looked at him.

"Do you have any questions..."

Tristan thought about it for a moment.

"Yes um, you look really familiar...

"Oh well I do tutor and sometimes coach for the highschool," he mentioned.

Tristan raised his brow.

"How much do you charge for tutoring?"

"It's a case by case basis, but I'm much cheaper than private tutors."

"Ok, will you be available this week?"

"I have an open spot on Tuesday at four thirty.."

"That sounds good," Tristan said resisting the urge to rip Mike's head off.

They paused for a moment.

"Well, Mike said going into his wallet and pulling out a white card and handed it to Tristan.

Tristan looked at it.

Then Mike's pager ringed from the side of his pants he picked it up and looked at it.

"Ok well you can up to the front desk and set up your next appointment and remember eat healthy."

Dr. Mike said as he rushed out of the room.

Tristan smirked as he looked at the card and placed it in his coat pocket stood up then walked out of the room.

"Tristan, what are you doing here?" He turned around to see Candy.

"My doctor switched to this hospital, so I have to come here now."

He explained.

"How did your appointment go?" Candy asked concerned.

"It was good," he sighed not really in the mood to talk.

"Look I gotta go also I set up a tutor to come by on Tuesday at four thirty."

Candy nodded.

"Ok, she said looking at Tristan ever since the meeting with Cody's teacher not really wanting to talk and was distant.

After that Tristan hurried off and Candy walked away in the opposite direction.

As she was walking she seen Mike was coming her way so she quickly stepped into another hallway before he could see her.

She was not ready to face Mike yet...

Tristan was being messy 😂
Was he right or wrong?

Why is Candy trying to avoid Mike? 🤔

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