Chapter 43 - Mirror Divulged

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Chapter 43 - Mirror Divulged

Tick. Tick. Tick.

My eyes searched her expression, waiting between the time laps in her reply. Her eyes casted down, her expression one of remorse. My hearted thudded inside, I braced myself but I wasn’t able to believe anything until she confirmed it with me. My heart was beating as a rate, which was way beyond normal.

“Nathan is…” she replied, then turned her eyes side ways as though ignoring my eyes. As though she couldn’t look into my eyes while telling me the later. My hands broke in cold sweat as I kept look at her without blinking.

At that moment, looking at how she was I didn’t know whether I wanted to know about Nathan or not. I would turn insane either ways, and I knew that for sure by now.

As she turned back to check if people where back again, I placed my now free hand on her cheeks and yanked her back to face me. This time, almost cruelly and animatic-ally I growled, “Nathan is what?!” There was no more patience left within me. I couldn’t play the guess game any longer. I wanted answers, I needed answers.

Nathan is not ok” she replied as she closed her eyes. I looked at her blinked a couple of times, trying to understand the different meanings of that one statement. What did she mean. What did she mean. What did she mean. My inner voice, had completely lost it by now.

“What do you mean” I shrieked in a high pitched voice, as she looked at me shocked shushing me and looking back to see if anyone was back. Without replying, she grabbed hold of my hand and started walking towards the back side of the house. Half way through there, she whispered to me, “First we need to get out of here”

I knew she was right, that my focus should have been getting out of this place, and nothing else. But the only thing I could do was drag my body along with her, there was nothing I could think beside Nathan. My eyes rolled back and another memory hit me again.

“You are never wearing this blasted dress again” his voice, boomed through the entire living room. At the sudden change of his mood, I turned around to see him standing beside the wide television in an unbreakable stance. I knew by this time I should have become used to him changing his mood like a chameleon but it still managed to take me by surprise.

Turning around I looked at him and smiled gently. It had been five months since he had dragged me into an unknown church to marry him. By now, I knew him and his expression pretty well.

Right now, his expression was one of a brooding child. Something he did often with me. There were moments I knew that I was pampering him too, but I couldn’t help it. He might be the big Hamilton, everywhere all alpha all male but there was a part of him that had never been babied before. I don’t know why I did that, but it was just the way our relationship had worked out to be.

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