Chapter 11 - Queen of Babble

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Chapter 11 - Queen of Babble

The silence after the accident was eerie. The road was completely empty and the silence that followed the screeching sound of tires or the glass shattering gave me Goosebumps.

What if the branches extension hit him on his back? What if the glass pieces cut into his spine? What if it hit the wrong place in his spine? What if it killed him? No, god this is not happening. The flipping pain and anxiety in my chest quickly changed into a frustrating anger.

God, take anything away from me, but if he gets hurt I will never talk to again.


If something happened to him, it would be because of me. Had I not pulled the stunt yesterday and punctured the tires, today this wouldn’t happen.

I wouldn’t be able to live with the knowledge that something happened to him because of me.

And then I noticed, his eyes drooped, and it seemed he was about to black out.  Was he slipping into coma? No I would not let this happen. I had to wake him up, when you get hurt you shouldn’t be allowed to sleep right?


And so Ms. Awkward like me did the first thing that came to my mind. I used my right hand to slap him across his face. His faced moved with the force of my slap but his eyes widened. I woke him up! I wanted to do a happy dance, but before I could I saw the murderous glare in Hamilton’s eyes.

At least he was well enough to give me his usual glares. It just made me happier, a moment ago I was contemplating his survival chances and now thank god, all I have to do is to look how much damage is done.

I had to act matured, right now was not the time to get emotional.

“Can you speak?” I asked cautiously and slowly so he understood every word of it.

“What the hell do you mean by can I speak? What the fuck did you just do, did you just slap me!?” his voice roared and broke the silence. He was okay, he really was.

Happiness hit me harder than the accident, there was nothing wrong with him, and everything was fine. I threw my body for an awkward hug to him. I hugged him across his mid chest, placing my hands over his shoulder blades, while he was over me.

“You are fine!” I whispered, and then I kept repeating it as though making myself believe that he was completely fine. I felt his left free hand moving probably to hug me too, and that time I realized I was hugging him, it scared me that I did something like this without realizing, but the feeling of hugging him was so beautiful that I never wanted to stop.

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