"Well, she claims her goddess is pretty set in her decision but he can be convincing."

"Yes, the Major does seem to think he's rather good a charming women," she agreed, she had seen the major use his charming smile to get his way more than once.

She grunted as she jerked the pod open manually. She wrinkled her nose and laid down on the creeper, sliding beneath it to assess the damage.

Ford snorted. "He's pretty good, and she is hot as hell, but she's also crazy pants. There's no way."

Kai slid back out from under the pod and looked up at the young soldier. "Crazy pants?" She asked, arching a brow.

"Yeah, you know, insane...not right in the head..."

Kai nodded and slid back under the pod.

"Well, I better get to the debriefing, thanks Zian!" He called to her over his shoulder as he trotted to catch up to the others.

Kai stared after them frowning. It was odd they had brought someone back with them. She shrugged it off, she had work to do and a beginnings of a serious headache.


"Hold still, just a minute more," Beckett said as Chaya lay beneath the scanner. He imputed the information into his laptop. "Well my dear," Beckett said as the machine powered down. "It seems you are as lovely on the inside as you are on the out," he said with a charming smile.

"You can get up now," Beckett told the beautiful brunette as the computer began analyzing all the information it had just gathered. Weir had requested he be as thorough as possible while being non-invasive. He had only drawn a small amount of blood, otherwise he was left with the Atlantian scanner for much of his data.

Chaya sat up, her skirt flowing around her. "How does this device do what you say it does?" she asked in confusion.

"It creates images of the tissues inside your body," Beckett explained. "And they are, picture perfect," he told her with a reassuring smile.

The priestess looked around the infirmary in wonder. There was almost a child-like innocence to her as she stared at all the machines surrounding them.

"Did you bring these machines back from your world?" Chaya asked.

"Some," Beckett said putting his hands in his pockets. "Others are Atlantian technology that we've figured out how to use and a few...well," he confided. "I haven't the vaguest idea what they do," he chuckled. "Hopefully one day I'll have a chance to meet one and I'll ask them myself."

Chaya looked down at her skirt, fidgeting with the flowing blue fabric. "Do you know what happened to them? The Atlantians I mean," she clarified.

"Well, some returned to Earth after the war with the wraith. That much we know. But we also know that some of them Ascended."

"Ascended?" she asked sitting demurely with her hands in her lap.

Beckett nodded. "To a higher plane, where they exist only as energy. Only recently we've discovered that some stayed on in the Pegasus Galaxy to fight the wraith. Warrior Ancients Teyla called them," he said with a laugh as he shook his head.

Chaya sat forward on the bench with interest. "How do you know this?" she asked intently.

"Well, one of our people, Kai, we sort of took her in after she helped us. It turns out her people, the Mortii, are direct descendants from the 'Warrior Ancients'. She's nearly genetically identical despite thousands of years. It's very exciting."

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now