Chapter 27

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Elwyn settled slowly onto the bunk as the floor rocked steadily beneath her feet. The military transport was large and heavy but the ocean's waves would never be denied. Nearby Thaddeus slept deeply as he hadn't since waking in the camp where the highwaymen had died. Elwyn had dragged the bodies away from the horses so they'd calm before resting.

From there it'd been hard, uneventful riding all the way back to the city. Their horses and mules were exhausted and shaking after several days of such treatment, but they were fine animals and still fetched a decent price at the stables where Elwyn left them.

The winding stroll through the city with only the supplies they needed for the remnants of their journey allowed Elwyn to lose foot pursuit quickly. In his exhausted stupor, Thaddeus made no objections to her instructions. He barely registered the military transport for what it was before striding dutifully up the gangplank and from there to the quarters and bunk the captain assigned them. He hadn't managed to sleep until the ship was fully out to sea and on its way north; winter recruiting had its advantages for Elwyn's plans.

Elwyn's smile caught on her face as a sudden pain lanced her side. It was worse than it'd been though she knew why. She cautiously lifted her shirt and slid a finger inside the bandage on her side. It came out with a greenish-clear liquid smeared across it; Elwyn sniffed and smelled the telltale rot of infection. The skin was tight, hot, and mottled with a dark amalgam of reds and violets from hip to armpit.

The rusty blade caused the infection but the ride had kept the internal wound from sealing. She was bleeding inside. She'd known it since she'd been stabbed. She'd known what it meant. Known the choice she'd have to make... known it was never a choice at all.

* * *

"Go, get the wounded back to camp," Elwyn commanded her second-in-command. They could all hear the thunder of pursuit behind them. The clatter of armor and roar of men who knew the prey they sought was injured.

Her second eyed her with a shake of his head, "We'll never make it back before they catch us."

Elwyn glared at him coldly, "You'll make it back just fine. I'm going to give them something to think about."

He blanched, "You can't stop them by yourself!"

Elwyn's bloodthirsty laugh made him pale further, "I'm going to kill them all."

"Elwyn, they'll kill you," he whispered fearfully.

"You swore to follow my orders," Elwyn snapped, "Get moving!" She shoved him and he turned away. He was a good man and strong enough to face her even when she was hungriest for death, but he was a soldier too. He knew when to follow an order.

He looked back and for one, brief moment Elwyn could see his soul in his eyes. Eyes that were full of pain. Eyes which told her he didn't want her to die. He didn't want to lose her.

He wanted her to live.

Elwyn turned away and planned her strategy. Planned to stop the soldiers long enough for her squad to reach safety. Planned to fight until she couldn't fight anymore.

The look on her second's face flashed before her then and she realized she must also plan to live. Plan to survive this encounter so he would not suffer that pain.

"It's my birthday," she chuckled as she ran into the fight before her and her blades brought blood and death.

It was the day she turned eighteen. The day she met Rhys.

Theday so much had changed without Elwyn ever realizing it: she'd found somethingto live for.    

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