Chapter 14

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Elwyn reached the fortified estate late in the evening, which was perfect for her. She'd never had the problem moving through darkness other people did. She simply closed her eyes and let her body take over. It was why she was such an excellent scout.

The estate was well-guarded on all sides. The rotating patrols left very narrow gaps that were more tease than reality. She saw how the irregular patterns left wider holes where they would ambush an intruder. She wasn't so foolish.

She also noted a great deal of activity amongst the servants from early in the morning until well past midnight. Moreover, there wasn't a nobleman in sight. She knew, from the way the patrols ran, where they were liable to keep Thaddeus. She only faced a few obstacles: getting in, getting out, and getting even.

She needed the nobles to be present when she infiltrated the estate because she would only get one chance. She had to do a great deal of damage in a very short time and get out with Thaddeus alive and unharmed. She also had to survive long enough to see him safely home.

It's definitely a job for more than one person. Elwyn smiled coldly. But I was never just one person in a fight. She didn't let the reality of her choice sink to far in because it would only bring fear.

Fear was a useless emotion in impossible situations. It didn't sharpen her reflexes or make her any better at what she did. It distracted her. Right now, she couldn't afford any distractions.

So she took a few deep breaths and wrapped herself more tightly in the mantle of Elwyn Shadowblade, Elwyn the Killer, Elwyn Slayer of a Thousand Men. When she opened her eyes there was no fear, no emotion at all, only determination and a hunger for blood and death.

Servants working like that means nobles are coming. No doubt to inspect their prize and finish paying the mercs. I wonder if the mercs are supposed to handle the ransom as well. It would mean they'll be around a while. Elwyn shook her head. It didn't matter how long the mercs hung about. She'd get them. Most of them anyway. Whether inside the walls or on the road, they would die.

So now I wait. Elwyn's feral grin would've struck abject terror into the soul of any who'd seen it. It had back when she'd been a leader, even though the grin wasn't aimed at her own troops, they still feared someone with that kind of insatiable blood-lust.

Elwyn moved off in the darkness to build herself a secure campsite. She would need food, journey rations as well, and a place to watch the estate from. She would need to have an accurate count of the guards, servants, and nobility. Once all her plans were in place, all contingencies planned for, she would make her move.

Blood will run through the halls like ariver. Screams will echo through the corridors. I will have death on my bladesonce more. Elwyn nodded to the thought. It was a good one.    

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