Chapter 12

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Elwyn didn't move easily across the countryside. She had to be aware of patrols, both soldier and watcher alike. Whoever these nobles hired was a good deal smarter than any nobility Elwyn had ever run across. That realization left her with only one other possible conclusion: mercenaries. And not just any mercs either. No these had to be a formed company from across a border, ones who specialized in this type of thing and were only too willing to sow chaos for their neighboring kingdom.

When Elwyn realized their identity a great deal of information became clear. For starters, how much information she had on them. The only reason they left a trail so clear was because they were foreigners. You could only mask so much odd behavior and, more importantly, strange faces before people started noticing.

The other thing which told her they were a trained company of mercenaries rather than a band of brigands was the way they moved across the land. They weren't traveling in a straight line even though the demarcations on the map indicated it. The places they were known to be staying led in a straight line to their eventual destination, but their actual movements were much less straightforward. It was why, despite the time it took Elwyn to get on their trail, they weren't further ahead of her.

Lastly, they'd set watchers on their back trail. They expected to be followed. They planned for it. And their watchers were ready for a tough fight. They weren't ready for Elwyn, but she left them alone. If they started disappearing before she was ready to rescue Thaddeus it could cause her no end of trouble.

They will disappear on my way out though. Elwyn felt a grim smile turning up the corners of her mouth. She'd have little or no choice in the matter. She couldn't leave them alive to give chase. She dare not leave any of them alive. She had to leave chaos and disarray behind her.

Trained, foreign mercenaries wouldn't let the deaths of their comrades stand, and they would certainly not wish a disruption to their own schemes by losing Thaddeus. So, they would die. Their deaths would simply be one more warning to the nobility who'd hired them.

Of course, a few of those nobles are going to precede their employees... just to make sure they don't try this again soon. Elwyn nodded and this time there was no twinge from her softer side. There was only determination, grim reality and the feral blood-hunger singing in every part of her. She was ready to kill. Ready to surround herself in the waterfall of blood and the melodies of death once more.

As she moved past a watcher who'd no notion just how close death passed him that day, her hand trailed over her sword hilt. Her promise of 'soon' seemed to be answered with a wordless wash of desire and gratitude. She moved on, marking his patrol position in her mind so she'd know where to look for him on her way back.

The king will know I was here. That thought was new. Elwyn didn't stop moving even as her mind turned over the realization. It was true her actions would advertise her presence. The king would know who she was. For that matter, the information traders who'd given her the maps would know who she was in a few days. The difference was the traders wouldn't pass on that knowledge because it wouldn't serve their purposes. The king was another matter.

It won't just be mercenaries I'll have to outwit. The king will send soldiers after me. Elwyn considered that and knew the king couldn't risk telling most of his army who she was. So he would have an elite few tracking her down. That made her grin. Those elites barely warranted the name according to her. It also gave her an excellent notion of how to return Thaddeus to the north: by military transport.

The military would be sending recruiters up north during the cold months. It was the ideal time to recruit, when people weren't terribly busy and were usually bored. In the dead of winter, when you had nothing to do and only the monotony of your life come spring, it was easier to convince people to sign up for a bit of 'adventure' as a soldier.

So, troop transports would be heading north. Thaddeus, as a nobleman and Count Rhys' son and heir, could request a spot on such a ship without raising too many questions. It would be the safest way to get him home. Only stupid pirates ever tried to waylay a troop vessel. The king would never suspect she'd be so bold. The 'elites' would be slow to catch her trail. And if any of the nobles realized where she and Thaddeus were, they'd never dare interfere with the king's soldiers to attempt a recapture.

Well, that's oneproblem mostly resolved. Elwyn nodded toherself. It was the rest of the unknowns facing her which quickened her stepsand her heartbeat. There was no denying the thrill of the hunt for her. She mayhave loved the peace of Elwyn the Hermit, but Elwyn Shadowblade is what madeher feel alive.   

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