Chapter 22

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Elwyn and Thaddeus made excellent time to the next patrol. The horses and mules were grateful for the rest when they drew near. The total darkness of night had long since settled over the world and Elwyn knew exactly what she wanted to do; the smile on her lips only made Thaddeus shudder when he glanced at her.

When she pulled them into a safe place, Elwyn ensured Thaddeus had both food and water and was partaking of both. The animals were all standing where they'd stopped, slowly catching their breaths. Elwyn could hear the river nearby; this place had been part of her plans.

"When you finish your meal, walk the horses and mules to the river," Elwyn pointed, "Don't take a tumble in the dark by trying to lead the whole string at once, just take them one at a time. When you finish, they need to be unsaddled and rubbed down. Can you handle all that, lordling? Or will your delicate hands chafe under the rope of actual work?"

Thaddeus' eyes snapped up and he quickly swallowed his mouthful of food in order to snarl a reply, "I'm perfectly capable of tending horses!" Elwyn chuckled, she liked his spitfire.

She saw his scowl deepen and she raised her hands in a placating gesture, "Just making sure I had your attention. I've work to do yet. I'll return when I finish." Thaddeus blanched and his hands dropped to his lap as his appetite vanished. Elwyn frowned; this wouldn't do.

She crouched in front of him, gripped his chin, and forced his eyes to look into hers. Despite the darkness, she knew he could see her because he flinched and tried to pull away. Her fingers tightened and he stopped struggling.

"Eat," she commanded, "Drink. Tend the horses and mules. Your life depends on these things. If you find what I'm doing distasteful, remind yourself it isn't you doing it and keep moving. Don't be stupid and don't let your youthful naiveté ever convince you this isn't necessary. Everything that's happening must happen."

Thaddeus' eyes dropped when she released him, "Because you love killing..."

Elwyn sighed, "Because I promised your father you'd come back to him alive and unharmed. I keep my promises."

"You don't have to kill them just to get me home."

"I told you why it's necessary," Elwyn reminded him coldly. She didn't like his arguments; they sounded too much like the hermit she was trying to forget.

"You told me this would keep them from trying again," Thaddeus shook his head, "I don't see how. They were desperate to make this move. What you're doing doesn't make them any less desperate. It just tells the world you're still in it. That Elwyn Shadowblade is working for my father."

"That particular idea won't ever be mentioned by anyone who intends to keep his head," Elwyn waved the notion aside, "As for desperation... yes they're desperate, but they also made one very fatal mistake: they assumed they knew how your father would react. They assumed he'd just pay and hope to get you back. They didn't believe for one moment he had access to – let alone would hire – an assassin capable of doing what I've done. Now they know better." Thaddeus stared up at her, confusion roiling through his face. It mingled with exhaustion and Elwyn realized he couldn't grasp what she was saying.

"Nobles are greedy and selfish. The biggest part of it is a selfish desire to keep breathing. They'll know, now, moving against you means death. It means death for themselves and anyone stupid enough to be in the vicinity. Even if they might consider attacking you again, they'll have a very hard time finding anyone willing to do it for pay," Elwyn explained slowly, "Now they'll have to resort to other means. Normal means through politics and court maneuvering. They won't be coming after you or your father directly."

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