Chapter 19 - Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"So you're jealous? Because your crush's ex-crush is coming back to her life?" Suna crosses her arms and sighs, "Itsuki, there's still a lot of Mikotos out there but you only have one brother. Are you... jealous over your brother again?"

"N-No, it's just... what if he'll use Mikoto like how he used her before. And I'm still mad because he looked down on us before. He may be my brother but I still can't believe that he's uses people for his pleasure." I didn't notice that Suna already placed an arm on my shoulder, telling me to calm down.

"Itsuki... past is past, Katsuki may have changed now. So chill, okay?"

"Yeah right, I just can't believe that he sees us that way..."

I watch the players as they started their game. I couldn't see Miko's older brother, assuming that he is a substitute player.

"Hey, Suna... how much will you pay me if Miko dates me in the future?" I watched as a player from Meiji University shoots a ball which they scored three points.

"My yearly allowance!" She lets out a grin which made me chuckle. "But what will you give me if you don't end up with her?"

"Hm? Date me if I don't end up with her." I gave her a serious look but she only laughed. It came to my realization that Suna isn't interested at boys.

"Dum dum, luckily, Mikoto isn't my type or else I would have already dated her years back, but I'll be always here for you, Itsu-kun, don't forget that!"

"Thanks Suna-chan." We both continue to watch the match. I'm happy to have a friend like Suna...



I greeted my brother inside their waiting area. He and his team recently had a friendly match between my old school. Its purpose is to invite the basketball players to enter their university once they graduated here.

"Nice game, onii-chan! You did so well back there!" I sat beside him and gave him a towel and a bottle of water. Sadly, I am the only one who can be with him today because the others are busy. Ema, Yuusuke and Fuuto are preparing for their school's festival and Iori-nii is currently out of town because of a tournament in Mathematics and the others are busy with their jobs.

"Thank you for being so supportive, Miko-san." He opens his bottle of water and takes a drink from it.

"Oooh, is this one of your younger siblings, Asahina-kun?" A team mate of his approached us and looked at me. "Nakamori Mikoto, but legally changed her surname to Asahina after finding her real family, the first female to be the captain of Hayato Eagles and lastly, a legendary highschool foot ball star. Nice meeting you, Asahina Mikoto!" He smiles but because of his long statement about me, I only gave him an awkward grin.

"You must be Captain Minatozaki. Nice to finally meet you too, Minatozaki-sama!"

He only smiled and patted my head like I'm some kid. But I don't bother though, since most of my brothers do that to me.

"Asahina-kun, you're lucky to have a sister like Mikoto-san. Anyways, you should hurry now, the next round will start soon."

I gave Suba-nii a thumbs up before he stood up and left the room. He insisted that I should just stay here while they play, besides, there is a television where I can see them playing.

"Don't go home early, okay? We still need to practice for our turn tomorrow."

"I get it, I'm the captain so I should be the one who will remind you guys."

Those voices...

I stood up from my seat and walked outside, once I popped my head out, two figures stopped what they were doing and looked very surprised.


"Suna, Itsuki!"

"Miko-saaaaan!" Suna first ran towards me and pinched my cheeks. "What are you doing here?"

"S-Sunaaaa, I'm here for my brother, duh!" I rubbed the part where Suna pinched. It hurts a lot, Suna's pinches are always painful as heck.

"A supportive sister I see. Well then, we will go to our training for this year's spring tournament soon. Wanna come with us?" Itsuki joins us, I know that I have always wanted to meet with the team again, but sadly, since Subaru-nii is still in the game and I don't want him to look for me later, I turned his invitation down.

"Sorry, Itsuki-kun, Suna-san. I've wanted to see the team once again but I don't want to leave my brother here. But don't worry, I'll come cheering for you guys in your tournament next week."

Suna patted my back and grinned "It's okay Miko-san. And Itsuki would be very happy if you cheer on us that day. Promise us that you will come, okay?"

I suddenly changed my mood and raised my hand "I, Asahina Mikoto, promise that I will show up in your game next week."

My sudden actions made them laugh which I am happy about.

"Okay, Miko-san, see you next week!" They both waved at me goodbye and watch them walk away from me.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment your feels!

And I'm sorry if this chapter is lame. I just don't know what to write here. I'll just let my future self edit this. I am actually just looking forward for the ending of book 1 so that I can finally start with book 2. See you all next update!

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