Chapter 8 - Home Again.

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I look up at the residence. I only stayed here for two days and I can't believe I'm coming back, and four months earlier than what I expected!

Ema pushed my wheelchair and we went inside. We quickly went to the elevator waited for the lift to come up.

The elevator stopped at the fifth floor where the kitchen, dining room and living room is located.

Kyo-nii appeared and was shocked when he saw us. He quickly walked towards us and looked at me.

"Welcome back, Ema, Fuuto, Iori and... Miko-san? I-It's nice seeing you here, but... why are you here?"

His stutters made Ema giggle. And I couldn't help but to smile and feel offended at the same time.

"Kyo-nii, Miko-san did well at the evaluations today. So we're planning a celebration. And since she barely stayed here, I suggested that it would be great to celebrate here than eating outside." Ema said, making Kyo-nii understand the situation.

"Alright, I'll notify the others who are still at work about this matter, they won't be here till afternoon. And Miko-san, enjoy yourself okay? If you're looking for your twin, he is with Wataru, playing games inside his room."

Kyo-nii said before going back to the kitchen. I guess he's preparing for lunch.

"I'll help Kyo-nii with lunch. See you later Miko-san!" Iori said before following Kyo-nii

I nodded and moved my wheelchair towards the glass window.

The view is great. Since it's summer, a lot of flowers are blooming.

"Ah Miko-san, you will go back to the hospital tomorrow afternoon, right? What about we go to a picnic at the flower park tomorrow before you go back? All of us." Ema looked at me and smiled. My mood brighten up and gave her an ear to ear smile.

"Alright, Ema-san!"

Iori-nii called us saying that lunch is ready. Ema tried to push the wheelchair but I told her that I can manage, so she walked beside me while I pushed the wheels to bring myself towards the dining area.

As Kyo-nii saw me, he quickly removed a chair from the table and went towards me and pushed my wheelchair towards that area.

"Thank you, Kyo-nii, but I can manage that myself. But still, thanks!"

Afterwards, Subaru-nii walked down and was shocked seeing me.

"M-Miko-san? What... are you doing here?"

"Hi there, Suba-nii! I just felt like going here for a while. And besides, the nurses and the doctor agreed to let me stay here for a day." I smiled but then I changed it to a frown" Why? You don't like seeing me here?"

He became flustered, I could see his face turning bright red.

"It's n-not like that! I'm just surprised seeing you here, I thought you ran away from the hospital or something?"

Seeing his reaction made me laugh. It's fun teasing some tsundere like him.

Me and Subaru are actually close because we are both athletes, well to correct that, he's an athlete and I'm formerly an athlete. But that doesn't matter! We still share the same interest and that is sports.

He recently opened up to me about his crushing on Ema. And how uncomfortable he is to girls that is greatly an opposite from him. And that made him hard on getting Ema. He also opened up to me how jealous he is to my other brothers especially Yuusuke and Natsu-nii. It is fun teasing him with this but I know that I should have my limits. And sheesh, I became my siblings' diary ever since I came here.

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