reason eight: cooking/support

Start from the beginning

Two weeks ago, Lisa would have scoffed, rolled her eyes, punched Yeri in the arm and told her to stop being a sap. She would have played down the fact that with every day that passed she was falling more and more for Jisoo.

Instead she cleared her throat, suddenly finding it difficult to formulate words.

"Yeah I do." She managed finally. "I started this thing thinking it would be a laugh and that maybe she'd let me go on a date with her. But now." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. " I just want to prove to her that I'm good enough."

The tremble in her voice had Yeri throwing an arm round her shoulder, pulling Lisa into her side. "You are definitely good enough for her." She said soothingly. "And if Jisoo doesn't see that it's her loss, you're a great person Lis, kind, caring, funny, a little cocky shit sometimes but nobody's perfect." Her last comment drew a chuckle from Lisa and she gave her a comforting squeeze. "I know you worry, because of your parents." She stiffened at Yeri's words but soon relaxed again into her embrace as she carried on. "But the things they said, what they think, means nothing. You are the most loving person I know and any woman would be more than lucky to have you, Jisoo included."

Lisa's tumultuous relationship with her parents was a story that had come out the night Lisa and Yeri had moved in together over one too many vodka shots. Lisa was a private person, with only Yeri knowing that Lisa's parents had chucked her out when she was fourteen after they found out she was gay. Their words, that she was broken and would never find love had haunted her ever since and was a major cause of her inability to settle down, content to engage in an endless parade of one-night stands and flings without any real commitment.

Lisa had always believed she was never good enough, would never be able to love someone the way they deserved. The echoes of her parent's words ringing in her head, telling her she wasn't good enough, that it was impossible for 'someone like her' to find love, had always been enough to turn her off long term relationships.

Until Kim Jisoo.

"Thank you." Lisa murmured after a few moments of silence, her nerves calmed by Yeri's solid presence next to her.

Yeri didn't reply, just hummed quietly and pressed a kiss to the side of Lisa's head (we're just gonna pretend that yeri's tall enough to do that ok? ok.), maintaining the comfortable silence she knew Lisa needed to clear her head, to move away from the painful memories of her parent's rejection.

It was an hour before either of them spoke, the soft sound if the TV the only thing to break the silence. "I should get going." Lisa's voice was quiet and she looked over to Yeri, her eyes open and vulnerable.

"You're gonna kill it." Yeri replied. "Heck, I nearly married you on the spot you first time you cooked for me, lesbian or no lesbian." Lisa snorted and rolled her eyes. "Jisoo won't be able to resist you." (we're also gonna pretend that lisa is a phenomenal cook, which we all know is not true in the slightest LOL)

"You're right." Lisa's cockiness was back as she pushed herself up off the sofa and moved to the fridge to grab the bag of ingredients. "I'll have her eating out the palm of my hand."

"Seems a little less efficient than a plate." Yeri commented, laughing loudly when Lisa glared at her. "Go now or you're going to be late."

Lisa swung her bag over her shoulder, the motion offset by the kiss she blew Yeri as she left the apartment with the parting call. "Don't wait up!"

Lisa found her nervousness returning as she reached Jisoo's apartment building, slipping into the light behind someone exiting the building.

The climb up the stairs was spent giving herself a mental pep talk, something she hadn't done since her first softball game.

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