"No, thank you. Well can you please get straight to the point? I am kind of busy right now" I said as he nodded his head, grinning at me, oh god stop acting so nice you hag, I know you are also faking it to just cover up one of your idol's doings.

"Don't worry, I will ask the manager to drop you home" I faked a thankful smile, desperately anticipating his words since he was getting on my nerves now. He cleared his throat indicating he was about to start with the actual thing now as I looked at him with keen eyes.

"So basically, you know about the Hyunjin issue n-"

"Yeah of course I have started it after all" I cut him mid way and stated boldly, looking straight at him. He was a little taken aback as he managed to pull on the same smile on his face again and nodded his head.

"Yes so you know, I think it would be nice if both of us just talk it out and solve the issue, no? because this way it isn't looking nice to people from our behalf... I hope you understand" letting out a typical awkward and desperate chuckle, he got to the point, making me raise my brows sarcastically and wear the same cheeky smile.

"I very humbly request you to take it all back, like look we have to sort things out together, we will sit together and clear it all don't worry, just please take it all back" The tone he selected was way too soft, appealing and convincing as I couldn't help but scoff yet again. Pathetic bastards.

"You don't know, it is ruining our reputation very much and is af-"

"And what about mine? What about my reputation than dear PD-nim?" Cutting him mid way, with a mocking tone I got him off guard. I usually don't let anyone got on my nerves this easily, but I felt like I was losing that ability right now.

"Yes PD-nim? What about the things I had to go through because of an idol of your company? Do you even know I freaking got kicked out of my work place do you even have the idea?" I just automatically snapped as I couldn't take this shit any more, how low do they have to fall now, why the hell should I even cover it all up? what about the insult and embarrassment I had to go through in front of the world, and my mistake, only falling in loving with Hyunjin... But now it was enough, if I can cherish you than I can hate you two times more, and I want all of them to pay the price now.

"No look, I know it was wrong and all, but please it will all be fine if you take it all b-"

"PD-nim how can you even say that? What about me than? Stop being too blind for yourself that you forget about the others, that bastar- well I am sorry, I just cant" I was just bursting out and I knew I could say or do something way worse so I just got up from the seat, slamming my palms against the table and got going from the office.

"Listen Ms. Hana, please just listen to me for a while, I do have a great offer for you too, just please have patience" The latter panicked and more like begged as his words causing me to stop in my tracks and turn around. He managed to make he sit back in my place and calm me down a bit before he proposed his offer.

"I know it is very sad that you had to go through this much because of an idol from our company, and in all this you lost your job as well. But trust me if you take your words back than we have a great job opportunity just for you as well" The way he spoke was more like a persuading one as I knitted my brows looking at him, what kind of great job opportunity was he talking about?

"A job opportunity?" I quizzed still puzzled as the latter nodded his head rapidly.

"There is one of the group of JYPE whose manager's assistant, means the coordinator had left due to some reason, and if you do as I say, than you can the place. The pay you will get will be almost five times more than the one you used to get before, also the job will be protected for you and the coordinator is the one who stays with the group like 24/7 since they have to look through each and everything about the group, from the scripts to their attires, so this way you will enjoy and invest your time in more like a productive and interesting job, working with idols, than any other and also will be paid a good amount, so what are your views?"

I couldn't respond right away therefore I was trying to think over it inside my head more rationally and practically than emotionally right now. Well thinking of it, it wasn't a bad option too, in fact it sounded quite cool and I have been following Kpop since my new teens and this would be a great way to interact with different idols as well, but at the same point I was low key unsure about saying yes too.

"So what do you think Hana-ssi?" The male repeated his question, his words and gaze both very hopeful and pleading as I sighed nodding my head as I could jot down more plus points out of it than any negative ones. The latter's eyes widen when I answered in approval as he cheered and celebrated, thanking me several times as I nodded giving off a smile in return trying to be as less awkward and impolite as I could.

He quickly pulled out a contract out of his drawer and put it in front of me cheerfully. I took the pen in between my fingers and went through the text written on the contract before finally signing it on the bottom of the page.

"Congratulations" He applauded as I thanked and the two of us shook are hands as I was an official employee under his company now. I know what ever I had to go through because of Hyunjin was something I could never forget but I still had to think about my family and my future too rather than just sticking onto taking revenge.

Though my heart wasn't satisfied with it, but after all I had to take it back now, plus he already got bashed too, this much that he started crying, so I wont even regret taking it back now.... Maybe?

I took my stuff and got up from there before bowing good bye and walking towards the door to exit when suddenly a very important and vital question which I should've asked before, popped into my head and I immediately turned back.

"But PD-nim... Specifically which group has been assigned to me?" I asked out, the latter's happy expression turned more into a plain ones as if he didn't want to answer this one question. My eyes widen for a mere second as my heart skipped a beat, wait- no way!!

".....Stray Kids"

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