I whimpered quietly at what he said, knowing my mom was fine helped though, then I wondered if dad knew, probably not since he wasn't here right now.

"When can I leave?"

"We have put a cast on the broken bones, and ask that you take Tylenol for the concussion along with bed rest, and staying away from bright screens for awhile."

"Thank you, can you let my mom, the other woman, know that I am awake?"

"She has already been told and is going to be on her way any minute now."

Just as he finished speaking my mom came running into my room while saying,

"Oh my god, are you okay Elena? I'm so sorry, I should have been paying attention."

I seen tears running down her face, bringing her mascara with them causing black lines down her face, her eyes were bright red and very puffy on top of her mascara being everywhere, she looked like a wreck. Her eyes went extremely wide when she seen the cast's on my wrist and leg which caused her to sob even harder. She walked over to my bedside and bent down to gently hug me while whispering sorry repeatedly.

"I'm okay mom, are you?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine, when I was waiting for you to wake up I got your dad to continue on his way to drop off Josh and the luggage to come get us with ours, do you want to stay awhile longer? Or are you ready to go home?"

She asked, but I had no idea how long I had even been out for so I asked the doctor,

"How long was I sleeping for? And yes, I want to go home."

"Only about eight hours."

"Oh no, I was out for that long?"

"Yes honey, but that's okay, your body needed that time to adjust, and your dad will be here any minute now to get us."

After she said that I slowly got out of the bed and asked my mom for help into my clothing, thankfully we had our stuff with us so I had clean clothing I was able to put on. The doctor gave me a few more tips on our way out to see if dad was here, which he was. There was small talk for the last few hours of the drive to the new house that consisted of my dad asking me if I was okay, and mom trying to make arrangements to get a new car for herself while he was at work.

When we finally got to the new house I looked out my window to see a massive, beautifully made house, that had rose bushes lining it's walls and vines slowly creeping their way along the side panels. I was quite surprised by how gorgeous it was in general. As mom helped me out she yelled at Josh to make sure I made it to my room without hurting myself, while we were walking he told me he would follow me while I looked at all eleven of the rooms to see which I wanted since apparently dad had chosen his and moms room and Josh had already chosen him.

I chose a room with a huge window showing the road outside the front of the house, the walls were a darker grey color with the ceiling done in what appeared to be black chalk paint, and a huge dresser that looked like it was stained to be the color it was and had an older look to it so I assumed that it must have come with the house.

I waited for about two hours while my parents and Josh all struggled to get my bed set up plus their own, time couldn't have gone by any slower, those two hours felt like ten years driving me just a little bit crazy. Once my bed was set up I got told to go to my new room and try to sleep the night away. Sleeping wasn't as easy as they made it sound like though, with every move I made a pain would shoot through either my leg, my arm, or both, causing a great amount of discomfort that prevented me from sleeping at all that night.

Between the pain coursing through my body and the massive headache that accompanied it I had slept for little over an hour the entire night, and knew it was not going to be a fun day if I didn't get some painkillers into me really soon. The entire day consisted of cleaning the house and moving more and more stuff in while my mom and I attempted to put everything in the correct spot, I felt bad that I couldn't help my mom more but I knew she understood that with a broken arm and leg I couldn't really do much other than slide boxes to her wherever she was at the time.

The next week went by surprisingly fast considering the pain I was constantly dealing with, painkillers helped a lot with that though. Josh was about to start at Seattle Public tomorrow meanwhile I had another three weeks off school, causing me to miss an entire month which gave me seven weeks exactly until my birthday. Starting at Seattle High on November 4th seemed a bit scarier than turning sixteen at this point. It was already October 7th and I had no idea where the past month had gone. I hadn't gotten any messages from Faye or Spencer since I left, thankfully, but I will admit that I miss them both, Faye more than Spencer obviously, but still.

As morning loomed up on me I heard Josh in his room screaming at mom saying he didn't want to get up until my mom yelled back saying that he had ten minutes till the bus arrived outside our house, then I heard a lot of falling and a lot of slamming doors. Mom was trying to creep into my room to check on me when I had turned over in my bed and looked at her, making her jump at least a foot off the floor then said,

"Morning honey, you don't have to get up yet, but when you do then please try your best to finish your room up today, I still have to do mine and your father's room so I won't have time to help."

I nodded back to her and watched as she turned around and walked out of my room, gently closing the door behind her. I knew my room needed to get done today but I had no idea what to do with the rest of my stuff, it was mostly sweaters that needed to be hung up, makeup or nail polish that needed sorted, and then some of my left over knick knacks from family members. It would be a lot easier if I had another book shelf seeing as the three I already have were filled with books and binders full of art I've drawn.

When I woke back up it was about 11:00 a.m. so I figured I should probably cause myself some pain and go get some pizza from last night's supper. As I ate I wondered what Faye was up to, if she had finally snatched Spencer, if she missed me, if she was doing better without me, or if she had even remembered I had moved. Once I was done I put my plate in the sink, rinsed it off a bit, then prepared myself for the long walk back to my bedroom so I could finish setting it up.

When I got about halfway to my room I felt an unbearable pain shoot up my spine and yelled out in pain. While I felt my body slowly fall to the ground I heard loud footsteps running then seen a very blurred form of my moms face come into sight, as I watched her face go from worry to horror I realized something bad had happened. I couldn't feel any pain, or an feeling at all for that matter, but in a disturbing way that I didn't like. I heard muffled sobs coming from what must have been my mother but I couldn't tell due to my sight being so blurred, I wanted to know what had happened as I tried to blink away the blurriness and form some type of word with my mouth but it seemed as if my body wouldn't allow me to do anything but listen to sobs and phones ringing in the background.

Another softer pain shot back through my body in the opposite direction as the last as my sight slowly started coming back, along with my ability to talk. Just as I was about to speak I realized I was looking down at my body, I was floating, I felt no pain, and my body kept passing through everything as it gently floated up and down, left and right.


As some of you might have noticed if you have my story in one of your reading lists or in your library, I just went through each chapter and fixed it to the best of my ability then republished it, it would be very helpful if I could get some feedback, whether it is good or bad from anyone. And if you like this chapter then please vote, comment, or follow me, as every single one is greatly appreciated.

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