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After being dismissed by my own daughter, I retreat to my chamber, deciding to rest before the grand festivities of the new year unfold. Imagining the King's warm welcome, I envision myself at his side, basking in his favor. As hours pass, I, a noble prince of England, prepare myself for the evening's events, knowing that the King's forgiveness is akin to divine absolution.

Emerging into the Great Hall of Whitehall Palace, I am greeted by a spectacle of opulence and intrigue. Grateful for the King's bounty, I acknowledge his position as the head of the Church and eagerly anticipate the chance to reconnect with him.

Eager to mend past grievances, I am hopeful of rekindling a friendship with the King, relishing in the riches and honors bestowed upon me. Amidst the celebration, rumors swirl of Lady Mary's impending marriage, a prospect I secretly hope will bring her little joy.

Observing the King's presence with Anne Boleyn, the Marquess of Pembroke, I am reminded of their past dalliances and the power dynamics at play. As the courtiers revel in the King's return, I make my way through the crowd, acknowledging the King's blessing upon the Boleyn family.

Surrounded by indulgence, I partake in the lavish offerings, enjoying the King's hospitality despite the lingering tensions between myself and Lady Mary. However, when she approaches me, extending pleasantries, our exchange quickly sours, revealing the deep-seated animosity between us.

Undeterred by her hostility, I maintain my composure, exchanging polite words before excusing myself, unwilling to engage further in the charade. Observing the festivities unfold, I find solace in the prospect of Elizabeth's future, envisioning her rise to prominence like her mother before her.

As Anne Boleyn and I share a private moment, I seize the opportunity to announce our joyous news to the court. Despite Anne's reservations, I assert my authority, proclaiming the imminent arrival of our son, Arthur, confident in the Tudor legacy he will uphold.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓘𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now