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I return to my chambers after the momentous meeting with the King. His presence left me in a state of longing. With divine confidence, I confronted my accuser, seeking strength from God. My prayers extend to the King's perpetual well-being, acknowledging his handsome appearance.

However, I resist the temptation to marvel at the intensity of his blue eyes penetrating my soul. Rising early, I gaze out of my newly acquired window, captivated by the hypnotic display of reds and golds as dawn breaks. In this awe-inspiring moment, I recognize God as the ultimate artist.

Summoning a physician, I prioritize my health, a crucial aspect as I aspire to bear the next heir to the English throne without error. I am determined to ensure my womb is prepared for this responsibility, fervently praying for continued fertility amidst the inevitable scrutiny and criticism.

Feeling the King's ardent love, passionate and weighty, I recall the history of our fervent romance. Yet, I plan to leverage this love to my advantage. Once I have conceived, my intention is to leave him, holding true to my promise. I am resolute in not receiving the King until I fulfill my commitment.

As movement stirs in the apartments, a sense of worry washes over me. However, I cling to confidence, trusting that God will bless my endeavors. Failure is not an option; I am destined to be Queen again. While I silently assert my continued role as the Queen of England, faith remains my sole salvation. The arrival of the physician is announced by my servants and maids, marking a pivotal step in my journey.

 The arrival of the physician is announced by my servants and maids, marking a pivotal step in my journey

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Dr. Mason, the King's physician, arrived at my request. The purpose of his visit was to determine if I could conceive another child, a matter of great concern after three previous miscarriages. The King had placed his confidence in me, and I was determined not to disappoint him.

The ladies of the Marquess of Pembroke engaged in conversation with the physician, extending a warm welcome to the older gentleman clad in black. Their impeccable manners were evident as they escorted the king's physician into the room where I patiently waited.

As the door opened, the man bowed before me, a moment in which I felt a fleeting sense of worship, as if I were a goddess. His eyes gleamed with brightness as I granted him permission to rise. My maids and servants followed him further into the room.

Turning toward the bed, I asserted, "We must begin." The doctor cast a brief look at me and sighed, directing his attention to my person. "Yes, My Lady. If I may say - God heard my prayers. I am glad to see you again. You are alive and well. God is good." I responded with a smile, dipping my head with esteem, appreciating the doctor's words.



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I am deeply honored by his words; they resonate with my heart. The kindness of this man is a testament to the goodness of God. His hands, blessed and skilled, played a crucial role in delivering my daughter Elizabeth, alongside my midwife. With the pleasantries concluded, my ladies assist me into my bed, where the fate of my future lies in the hands of the doctor. I pray that he can deliver the justice I seek as I prepare to birth the new king of England, my knight in shining armor. In the name of God and Country, I am determined to secure my position.

"I may begin, My Lady," the doctor seeks my permission. "Yes, you may, Doctor. Yes, you may." My ladies have meticulously prepared everything for the physician, ensuring that the tools for the examination are clean and washed. Isabelle stands by my side, offering her comfort and support—a gesture that proves she can be a true friend. Despite missing my old companions from my time as the King's Mistress, I press on.

During the examination, I recall my first encounter with the King, and my legs tremble. Composing myself, the doctor warms his hands before conducting the necessary checks. My ladies assist him in opening my thighs further, a strange but understood procedure. Aware that the servants will report to the King, I squeeze Isabelle's hand for reassurance. She smiles at me, providing encouragement. "He will finish soon, my lady," she assures me, and I reciprocate with a wink.

Despite my dislike for examinations and doctors, I recognize the importance of this step. Summoning the King's physician has given me the upper hand, a chance to prove my continued fertility. As the physician washes his hands, I observe his disposition closely, mindful of the keen eyes of my attentive ladies. The tension in the room is palpable as we anxiously await the verdict. The doctor's smile brings relief as he delivers the news, "My Lady Marquess of Pembroke, you can have more children." Overwhelmed with excitement, I squeal, and my ladies-in-waiting cover me up, marking the end of the examination.


Expressing my gratitude to the doctor, I bid him farewell, entrusting him with news to deliver to the king. With this, any lingering doubts in the king's mind would surely dissipate. The afternoon had been a test of sorts, a necessary examination to prove my continued fertility, a vital aspect in any marriage. While it was essential to please the king, I also acknowledged the importance of his reciprocation. The king could not be the sole focus of the universe indefinitely.

Once the physician had departed, I rose to my feet and adorned myself with my robes. A glass of exquisite French wine awaited me, its flavor proving hypnotic with each sip, transporting me momentarily to a state of bliss. As I savored the wine, I strolled around my apartment, summoning my ladies to prepare my belongings. The desire to visit my daughter at Hatfield tugged at my heart, and I yearned to spend quality time with my little darling. Anticipating my departure, I decided to send a letter ahead of Lady Bryan to ensure a smooth arrangement.

 Anticipating my departure, I decided to send a letter ahead of Lady Bryan to ensure a smooth arrangement

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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓘𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now