Chapter 12

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As she drove her car back to Steve’s place, she was thinking about how and which cop could be behind all this chaos. She wanted answers and she wanted them quickly. Which cop could stoop so low to take the lives of his own fellow mates? Or was the cop working for someone else and he was bribed? She didn’t know. But she desperately wished she did.
She reached Steve’s house and stopped the car and sat there for a while. She thought about what she would do when this was all over. Maybe she’d visit her parents. She hadn’t seen them in a very long time and she desperately needed the mental support of her parents now more than ever. But the bigger question was, was this ever going to come to an end? She wandered off till she heard Steve’s voice calling her name.

“Naomi!” he called as he came running towards the car. “Are you alright? You seem to be lost!” he said panting for breath.

“Yes Steve, sorry I was just thinking…” she said as she got out of the car and the two of them headed inside.

By the time they finished their dinner and other stuff, it was already 10 PM and she was so tired that she just wanted to sleep. She hadn’t been working for quite a while and getting back to work was difficult for her.

She headed to her room when Steve’s voice stopped her on her tracks. “I hope you sleep peacefully. I know it has been a rough few days for you but I’m sure good days are rolling by.” He gave a small smile.

She nodded and headed to her room. She just sat on the bed, her head thinking various stuff. Firstly she desperately needed to locate Melinda. She could give out a lot if pressured and she was the only person who could help reach the killer.

But if she is indeed working for him, then she herself would be a strong headed lady who won’t divulge information easily. If Naomi found her, she has to have more than just talking that lady into giving information.

But first, she had to find her for that. And even at work, she couldn’t figure out anything about her or her whereabouts. How come the cops deleted information about their prisoners? It’s not possible. Someone did it intentionally to stop Naomi from getting to it. But who? She already knew it was a cop who was behind all this but she could not put allegations on someone without proper evidence.

She had her doubts on almost all of them; Rhodes, Eleanor, Seb, Chris. The only people she trusted right now were Mike and Steve.
But why would they want her killed? And why did they kill Will? What had they done?

Just then her phone rang, bringing her out of her train of thoughts.

She looked at the caller ID and it was an unknown number. Panic struck her as the last thing she wanted was to get a call from the killer yet again to threaten her. She had enough of it. But it could also be someone else. She hesitantly picked up the phone and waited for the person to speak.

“Hello. We couldn’t find her. You gotta give us more, lady.” A hoarse voice spoke and she knew who it was.

“If I had something to give you, wouldn’t I find her myself?”  she spat irritated but then she realised she already had too many enemies to attract another one. Messing with these guys would be worse.

“What did you say?”  the guy spoke in an intimidating voice.

“Umm…nothing. I’ll look into it. If I find anything, I’ll let you know.” She said and hung up. She sighed and realised she cannot let her personal frustration out on others, especially such people who have more influence.

She sat there wandering off again. What could she get from precinct that could help her find Melinda? All her photographs and her data were erased from the computer. Even the mug shot. But there has to be something, she thought to herself. I am definitely missing something, she thought as she bit her nails. She had to find out. Anyhow.

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