Chapter 10

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Naomi's and Steve's face lit up at the site of a metal box.

"Let's get this bad boy out!" Steve said as he knelt down beside the box to take it out. Naomi mimicked his action.

It was a greyish silver box, typically the size of a regular safe with a password to open it. Steve tried to yank open the box but it was locked.

"We better take it to our place and think about opening it. You don't know who'll come here again looking for something." Naomi said as she gestured Steve to help her with the box.

The box seemed to be quite heavy as they carried it towards their car and place it in.

"Damn! Don't know what's so heavy inside!" Steve said as he yanked open a bottle of water and drank, dropping water over his shirt during the process.

"We better get going." Naomi urged Steve to get the hell outta this place.


"Go check around the house!" A mysterious person yelled orders to his men.

Can't believe that bitch Naomi is still alive, the mysterious person thought to itself.

One man, who seemed to be like the person's partner, stood with his hands crossed over his chest next to him. The man was huge with broad shoulders. One look at him and you could say you didn't wanna mess with this sort of guy.

The mysterious person gave a frustrated sigh to the bulky man beside him and said, "Can't believe that bitch had the audacity to come here. Those two dumbasses had one job. One freaking job! And instead what they do? Get themselves killed!" it spat out in irritation.

"You've got to calm down. You cannot let these bastards get to you. You are where you are because of your sanity and you've gotta keep it mate." The bulky man said as he patted the person's shoulders.

"Boss, please come here and take a look!" one of his men yelled from inside.

And there the person saw, the pool floor being broken.

"Oh man. She dug her own grave." the person said and gave a scary look and the bulky man knew that Naomi was in trouble. Big trouble.


Steve and Naomi reached the safe house, in the middle of nowhere and sat in the car for a few moments.

"What do you think is in here?" Steve asked as he took a look at the safe.

She shot him a look and answered , "If I knew that, why would I be here struggling with you?"

She got out of the car, not waiting for Steve to respond.

"Help me get this." She said as the opened the back door of the car, where the safe was kept.

The two carefully took the safe inside the house and placed it on the table.

As Naomi took a close look at the safe, she realised it was a lock with a dial combination. Steve inched forward to turn the dial when Naomi slapped his hand, which made him retreat.

"Ouch! What?" Steve gave her an annoyed look as he rubbed his hand.

"You cannot turn this lock anyway you want Steve. There's a pattern. Jeez are you new into this business?" Naomi said as she rolled her eyes at him.

Steve gave an embarrassed look and sat quietly as he watched Naomi.

Naomi took a deep breath and sighed. She had one chance and she had to do it right. Otherwise the contents in this could be locked forever.

The Mysterious Cycle | #wattys2019Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon