World Building

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• Planet:  Alenour

-Species: Alenorians (Caster/Aliston/Avørek) Tall elegant aliens. (still about the same height of humans, if not a little taller) They are extremely intelligent creatures and easily make themselves integrated into other species' planets with their knack for learning languages and customs. They have similar skin colours to blue, purple, but have been seen in yellow and reds. 

Top predators with cat like features, larger eyes, sharp teeth and claws. Known to "soften" their features to appear more delicate and friendly to other species. 

• Planet:  Mezia

-Species: Zemarech [nicknamed boons] Large lizard species. Forked tongue, crocodile like head. Thick skin, scaly, tails, strong thick bones. Known to be hunters in the galaxy, these creatures are not all that bright, but are incredibly strong.

• Planet: Kamraceta

-Species: Cerra. Tall, willowy, hues of blue skin, big eyes. Similar to many drawings of merfolk, these creatures have an affinity to water. Finned ears, big glassy eyes, small teeth and soft skin, they're not all that scary looking. 

Incredibly smart, they're often found exploring or setting up home amongst other species as doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.

Common Language/phrases/items:

· Kak – Incredibly rude word associated with "retard" and is commonly used for people who are disabled in some way. Derived from Alenorian.

· Kurziten – Blue furry creatures similar to a wombat with the size of a sheep. Destructive in nature and are hunted for sport.

· Rekha – Staple plant on Alenour used for food/clothing. Qualities similar to that of silk when processed and is commonly used to create light weight flowing fabrics.

· Touka – type of clothing worn commonly by most intergalactic aliens that have arrived on Earth. Long robe like, that is similar to a toga and a kimono on Earth. Originated from the the Alenorians, but was adapted quickly by other species due to it's durability and design.

· Verkan – Cuss word used in a demeaning/belittling way. The insults equivalent to saying someone is at the bottom of the social ladder, scum. Unfortunately, the Alenorians are often associated by this word by other species due to their colonization of other planets.

· Voomer – Human nickname for the mode of transport introduced by Alenorians . Similar to that of a train or a capsule that relies on light and magnetic pulses to move through a tunnel, hence why it is placed underground where sunlight can't interfere. Requires no manual driver. Incredibly reliable and decreases travel times by hours. A similar daytime version has been introduced to Earth in place of cars.

· Bubble: Day time version of a voomer. Sphere shaped with glass for viewing outside. Has no need for a driver, as long as the destination is programmed into the vehicle. 

· Vounghi – Creature on Alenour similar to a large beetle. Deep rich purple in colour and slimy. They excrete a smell to ward off predators as well as a disgusting slime that is usually used/harvested when creating building materials. Not food.

 Alenorian language:

Note: Alenorian is spoken with words and sounds. This means the accent usually contains clicking noises used with the tongue, teeth, gums, throat, ect. Purring, humming, growling, and other vocalizations are also used in everyday speech. 

Often referred to as 'cooing' is a noise created in the back of the throat, similar to a purr, but with an echo to it, resembling that of a 'noise through a fan'.

Aovà – mother (interchangeable with 'father')

Kaovà - father (interchangeable with 'mother')

Høsa – afternoon

Vuutàk – girlfriend/boyfriend (use the same word unless in regards to those with higher status. If so, add the appropriate 'ao' or 'kiif' to the end)

Liisti – goodbye

Vøu – your

Fei – our 

Ao - her (used only to address those who have a higher status and a preferred gender role)

Kiif - his (used only to address those who have a higher status and a preferred gender role)

Dac - "no"

Dey - '"yes"

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