Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Seeing Andy and Lauren wake up from their dream. They both looked better. Thankfully for the doctor that Lauren was in good shape and has recovered from what happened in the sewers.

"Are the two of you okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you okay Lauren?" Andy replies and looks at Lauren.

"Yes. I'm okay. Thank you for asking." Lauren replied.

"Doctor. What does Lauren need to do that will help her heal quicker?"

"I suggest Lauren takes it easy during training and on missions, then she should get enough rest, eat, and sleep." The doctor explains.

"Lauren. Please follow the doctors orders. Andrew you will be staying in here with Lauren until she gets enough rest."

"Don't worry Reeva, I'll make sure that Lauren gets rest and enough has enough energy to train and go on missions." Andrew replies sitting down on the bed next to Lauren.

The doctor, the girls and I leave the room to let Lauren and Andy to catch up and talk alone.

"So girls what is one of the things we need to be curious of now?"

"Max is missing. Were looking into it. What we know right now is that we have a spy." Esme replies.

"We need to inform the others, I'll let Lorna, Andy, and Lauren know you can inform everyone else and that we upping the security around here until we find the spy."

"Of course Reeva." The girls replied walking away.

Taking a deep breath walking back over to Andy and Lauren. I could see them laughing and talking, I missed that connection with someone close to me. I wasn't sure how to tell them of what happened to Max.

"Andrew, Lauren I have some news that you need to know about."

Andrew stood up quickly and made sure that Lauren wasn't bothered or hurt or bothered.

"What's going on? Is it about Lauren and her condition that she and I need to be worried about?" Andrew asks.

"No. Its about Max. He's missing. The girls have believe there is a spy here, and were are upping the security and turning off the elevators and making sure cellphones and computers are being tampered with."

"I can well assure you and it wasn't me or Lauren." Andrew replied.

"I know it wasn't either of you, due to the training and with the whole morlocks deal. Now enjoy yourselves. Do you need anything that the chef can make for you guys."

"Could he make us some popcorn and bring things for Lauren and I as we watch movies." Andrew asks.

"I'll go let the chef know."

"Thanks Reeva." I could hear Andrew say as I walked away from the room.

Walking towards the kitchen, the chef was looking through a couple of cook books.

"Oh hello Reeva. How may I help you?" The chef asks standing up quickly as I entered the room.

"The Von Strucker siblings would like some popcorn, candy, drinks, and sandwiches as they watch movies in Lauren's room."

"I'll do that right now for them miss. How is the girl doing?" The chef asks as he starts working on the popcorn and everything else.

"She's doing okay, the doctor doesn't want her doing to much that she can't get herself hurt even more."


Lauren's POV

I'm not sure I how I got myself back into this mess of a place. Everything was fine until Andy left the mutant underground for the Inner Circle with Lorna. Now the morlocks are gone for good, the mutant underground is completely dead, but here I am in a room with Andy waiting for the popcorn, then Max is apparently missing. It's way to much for me to handle in one day.

Andy reenters the room with drinks, popcorn, and sandwiches. Getting up from the bed to help him, but he stops me in my tracks. "Sorry Lauren, but remember what the doctor said and I know you just want to help, but I got this don't worry." Andy softly says placing a food tray next to me.


Sage's POV

Working up in the room above the training room. I heard of what happened to Max and that he is dead according to a video in a parking lot of a liqueur store. Esme, Sophie, Phoebe enter the room as I was about to leave, then Reeva came in soon after.

"When you came here you said you wanted to help build a community for mutants, and now Max is dead... someone knew where Max was and where he was going. We trusted you and asked you more than once to keep your loyalty to us and the community we want to build." Reeva growled standing next to the frost sisters.

"Reeva, I didn't do this you have to believe me."

"There is nothing you can do now Sage. You've betrayed us and that's not something you should of done." the frost muttered.

Reeva looks at me and used her powers....


~Lauren's dream~

Why is it every time I have these dreams I'm afraid what happens in them are going to be like the morlocks. The scenery of this dream is different. I don't recognize the place at all. I feel like the frost sisters are the reason behind this dream.

"Lauren you made it." Andy's voice softened as he appeared in front of me in my dream.

"Andy. What is this place?"

Andy looks around the area we're in and does a slight smirk as he looked back over at home.

"This is our mutant homeland here in Washington D.C. with no mutant haters, Fenris has taken it's course and is alive forever, our parents are no longer here in this world. It's amazing isn't it the work that well will be doing to have our homeland looking like this.'

Andy grabs my hand and it starts to glow and everything around us turns completely white.

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