Chapter 38 - Leonidas

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Final chapter guys! I can't believe I've come this far! Thank you guys so much, I really hope you enjoyed it! Epilogue coming soon!


"Where the hell have you been?" Jackson demanded as I stepped into the house. I forgot I had given him a key for emergencies, and now, I was cursing my decision.

Eleanor blushed and hid behind me, clutching at the back at my shirt.

"Don't scare her like that asshole," I said, scowling at him. This was my territory. He scoffed.

"What happened to you?" He asked, looking me up and down in disgust. I glanced down at my clothing a smiled at the dark brown, dripping, muddy clothing that clung to my body.

"Nothing you need to know about," I answered with a smirk. He growled, I growled, back then Eleanor stepped between us.

"Could you give us a few moments to clean up, Jackson? There's drinks in the fridge, please help yourself," she spoke hurriedly, not giving Jackson a chance to say no. I smirked as she grabbed my hand and pulled me past him, leading me to our bedroom.

The day our bed came in I bluntly asked her if she would mind sharing the bed, and she gave me a blush then a yes. It made me happier than I thought it would. Since then I had been very careful at night time, because thought the Council was good for her, she had night terrors sometimes.

To be honest, I think they scare me more than they do her.

I go to sleep trying to avoid touching her, but when I wake up I'm usually nestled in her chest. Thank the Goddess I wake up before her, because she would probably panic if she knew. I didn't mean to, I swear, but it just ended up unconsciously happening every night.

When she did have the night horrors, I didn't wake up the usual way. I would almost be thrown off the bed because of her flailing arms and legs, then I would jump back into bed and pull her into my arms. Rocking her for a few minutes usually did the trick.

Though it had only been about a week we had been left alone, it felt like it had been a year. I was loving every second of it.

"Don't just stand their Leonidas!" Eleanor snapped. I cleared my brain from my daydream and noticed she had fully showered while I was lost in thought. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry. I'll be a few minutes. Do you want to go talk to him while he waits?" I asked, pulling my shirt off as I strode to the ensuite.

"I was already planning on it," she said with an eye roll and a giggle, heading out the door. I smiled, then stripped off the rest of my clothes and jumped into the shower for a quick wash.

About three minutes later I was in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt, heading towards the sound of Jackson and Eleanor's voices.

"Took you long enough, Leo."

"I was gone for less than ten minutes, brother. What are you here for?" I asked abruptly, sliding a chair next to Eleanor and sitting down on it. She reached over and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. My wolf was glad she wanted such physical contact with me.

"It's good to see you two getting along so well," Jackson said, smiling at Eleanor. I huffed.

"You really don't know how to get to a point, do you brother? We'd like to go to bed soon," I stroked the back of Eleanor's hand with my thumb. She glared at me, then smiled at him.

"I'm sorry for his attitude, Jackson, please continue." Goddess, I would never understand how she was so polite to him no matter what he did.

"I cam here because Councilman Harry has informed me he will be here tomorrow," Jackson said softly, staring in to my eyes as he spoke. I shuddered, and for some reason, my body grew very tense.

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