Chapter 26 - Leonidas

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As soon as Harry had informed me there'd been an announcement, I knew it wasn't going to be good. Ana's testimony had probably sealed the deal, and I was expecting to lose my Alpha position today.

"I came here to evaluate Leonidas as an Alpha, after the council received and reviewed severals complaints about this pack," Harry spoke, his gaze not moving from the crowd. My pack looked on in confusion, some of them hadn't even know Harry was here. This was going to be humiliating for me, a stripping of my power in front of everyone I'd spent almost all of my life trying to prove my strength as their leader.

"I have decided that Leonidas will lose his Alpha title until —" My head dropped in defeat. It was done. My brother had gotten the Alpha position, and I was going to be forced to live the life of a normal pack member.

"-he can prove to the council he has changed, both as an Alpha and as a man. Beta Jackson will be taking over the position in Leonidas' place." I forced my head to stay down, so the other members of the pack would not be able to see the expressions on my face. Change? How was I supposed to change?

Alex, Emma, and Harry turned at once, as soon as Harry was finished speaking, and walked inside. After a few moments, I followed them.

"What the hell was that? Changed? How am I supposed to prove that I'm changed, and what does that even mean?" I yelled in exasperation. Both Alex and Emma quickly placed themselves in front of Harry for protection. I rolled my eyes as he sighed and turned to face me.

"You think you're protecting your pack, but in reality, you're hurting them. You don't interact with more than five people in this pack, and your harshness has led to several innocent members being injured. You change that, Leonidas, and you may have your title back. Until then, you must learn how to live in your pack's shoes," Harry said, letting out a short breath. "Is that understood?"

Without waiting for an answer he was walking out the door, heading towards the room I had given him. I growled, then clenched my eyes shut.

"Leo?" I whipped my body around, closing my eyes at the sight of my mate.

"Yes, Eleanor?"

"I would just like to wish you luck," she murmured, "your pack is very kind, I hope you meet every one of them." With that she began to walk past me, and I simply stuck one of my arms out to block her way.

"When do you leave?"

"Early tomorrow morning."

"Have a good trip," I said quietly, and she gave me a quick nod before hopping up the stairs. I turned to watch her go up, and only caught a glimpse of her before she disappeared from my view.

I tiredly walked up three flights of stairs to the fourth floor, the only sounds being my feet and the feet of pack members as they shuffled back inside. Though I would be giving up my position, I would not be giving up my room.

To my horror, several pack members had somehow beat me up the stairs and had begun to remove my things from my room. I growled and got their attention, but they ignored me as furniture and my personal belongings were all carried out of the room.

I had no power anymore, which meant I couldn't stop them from doing this; or maybe

I could.

I blocked the doorway as a male pack member tried to leave with one of my nightstands. He eyed me, then attempted to push past me, ignoring my growl.

"We have orders from the councilman to remove everything from this room," the man said in a bored tone, "So, unless you're helping, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room."

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