Chapter 20 - Leonidas

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I never ate with the pack. I was here to protect them, not socialize with them. Eating in my office allowed for me to eat and work at the same time without any distractions.

This time, I was unable to blame my wolf for taking over and making me sit at the common table. Though I had willingly chose to do it, I couldn't understand why.

I filled my plate with as much food as I could while trying to ignore the girl as much as I could.

As I began to shove the food into my mouth, I noticed that the girl was simply using her fork to push and poke at the food on her plate.

"Why are you not eating?" My voice came out rough when I asked the question, and I reached for a glass of water to soothe my aching throat.

"I ate earlier, Alpha. With Jackson and Ana. He was the one who made this meal," she said in a soft, shy tone. I grunted as I looked up. She was still staring at the table, but had set down her utensils and just laid er hands in her lap.

"Look at me,' I grumbled. Her head shot up at the command, immediately making eye contact. I shivered as I remembered her in my office, naked as she sat on my desk. I could feel my nostrils flare and I gasped for air, only taking in a short breath.

She sighed, as if she was disappointed in my actions.

"Is there something you'd like to say to me, Eleanor?" I asked in a mocking tone. She still wasn't looking at me, and her response was mumbled.

"No, Alpha." She was becoming annoying, avoiding the subject and mumbling her words.

"Are you sure, girl? Don't waste my time. Speak up," I make sure my voice was loud so that the command was clear.

"Fine, Alpha. You chew too loudly, your slurp your drink, and you're extremely rude to your entire pack!" Immediately after finishing her sentence, she seemed to whimper and cower into herself. My body tensed at the disrespect.

"Don't insult your Alpha," I said, the words coming out in a growl. Her shoulders sagged slightly.

"There's no reason to be an ass, Alpha, especially to your mate." At the remark I raised my fist and smashed it into the table, watching as it fell to the floor in pieces.

"You need to watch your mouth, girl, before someone gets hurt." Instead of looking down, like she normally does when anything happens, she stands her ground.

"You're no Alpha, Leo, you treat your pack and everyone around you like shit." She was shaking now, but fury still ran through my veins, and I ignored the whimpering of my wolf as I stared into her eyes, daring her to challenge me.

Before I could respond to her she fell to the floor, her whole body vibrating as she gripped her chest.

"Ana!" I bellowed, dropping to my knees. I began to inch towards her when my mind caught up to me. I began to struggle, my wolf fighting for control. In the end, he won enough control of my body to rush forward and grasp Eleanor's shoulders, bringing her body up to rest against mine as she twitched.

The sound of thundering footsteps reach my ear, and I let out an ear-piercing mixture between a snarl and a shriek when my arms are pulled away from Eleanor. Ana kneels in front of Eleanor, in the exact same position I had been in, and begins to lightly tap Eleanors cheeks.

I begin to release a low growl, angry that Ana's response to my mate in pain is to hurt her more.

Mate! Help Mate!

My mind clouds more with every breath I take, her scent filling my brain. I pull myself from Jackson's arms, and can faintly hear him screaming at Ana. She moves out of my way, and my body calm at the sight of my mate, lying still on the ground.

"Mate," I sigh as I pull her into my arms once more. Jackson moves into my line of sight and I growl, clenching her body tightly.

"Leo, we need to see what is wrong with your mate," Jackson's words cause panic to run through my head, but still I refused to give up my mate.

"He's not arguing, Ana. I think it's finally hit him," Jackson Murmured

"Punish me, he's going to punish me," Eleanor's body began to rock back and forth in my arms and I gripped her tighter, clenching my jaw in fear that I'd hurt her.

Ana reached out her arm, despite my low growl, and wrapped her fingers around Eleanor's forearm as we sat on the floor.

"Eleanor, sweetheart, he's not going to punish you. I promise." I bared my teeth at Ana who slowly removed her hand from Eleanor's arms, then let out a loud huff.

"Leo, you have to tell her." Jackson and Ana were sitting on the floor, both of their eyes on me.

"Tell her what," I asked gruffly. I just wanted this situation to be over with.

"Tell her that you won't punish her, she needs to hear it from you." I didn't believe him, but I was willing to try it.

"Stop! Stop, please," I whispered in her ear, and her twitching stopped. Despite my words, her heavy breathing continued.

"I won't punish you, calm down. Now." A few seconds later her breathing evened out, and my eyes closed in relief. They shot open wide moments after they shut.

I pulled my arms away from her, desperate to get away from her scent, but she was still on me. I looked down to see her sitting on my lap, and clenched my eyes shut so hard it began to hurt.

Eleanor was slowly pulled from my arms, but when we were no longer touching an ear-piercing scream pierced the air. Eleanor was thrashing again, kicking and screaming, but seemingly still unconscious.

I snarled, reaching for her again, grasping her into a hug and the screaming stopped immediately. I huffed and rolled my eyes. Jackson smiled at me, and Ana was growing teary-eyed. I growled, and their eyes were quickly averted.

"I'll be taking her upstairs. I don't have time to deal with this, so we'll need to figure something out. Now." Ana and Jackson just nodded quickly, though Ana's look grew sorrowful.

Eleanor was light as I picked her up, and my wolf growled in the back of my mind. Both Jackson and Ana scuttled forward ahead of me, up the stairs and into my office. I followed them and began to lay Eleanor on the couch. Once again as soon as we lost contact, the shrieking began.

I sat down near her feet and simply placed my hand on her calf. Ana shook Eleanor's shoulders lightly, but her eyes never even fluttered. I growled, placed my hand on the side of her neck, and shook harder than Ana had. Eleanor's eyes shot open, and she froze when she caught sight of me.

Her eyes began to water.


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