Chapter 8 - Leonidas

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I tightened my fist at the feeling of a strong headache coming on, but continued to watch the pack go through their exercises. They were all required to do three extra hours of training because of Margaret's mate, who challenged my decision of forcing his mate to go rogue.

Brother, we need your help! My brother's voice was urgent as it filled my head, but I ignored it. I had sent him with enough warriors to take care of the job quickly, and if he couldn't do it he would not get his mate back.

Alpha please! They've called in backup, we're seriously outnumbered! My wolf was not allowing me to put up a mental block, wanting to make sure his brother and mate were uninjured. I remained standing, letting the pack finish their training. I checked the time on my watch and realized around two hours had gone by, and snarled at them to keep going.

All of them were sweating profusely, gasping for air as they sparred with one another. I noticed two wolves in my peripheral vision drop to the ground, having fainted from exhaustion. I snarled, walking over to them and lifting each one by their legs. They gained consciousness as I dragged them towards a small pond, squirming when they realized what I was going to do.

Neither of them put up much of a fight, knowing it would only cause much worse consequences, and let me drag them to the pond. Hearing the other wolves stop fighting, I turned and let out a deadly snarl. They quickly got back to what they were doing, and I placed my focus back on the matter at hand.

I walked until I reached the edge of the small dock and held them off the edge, their heads dunked underneath the water. They transformed into their human forms as soon as they touched the water, and began to flail as hard as they could.

After a few seconds I pulled them out and tossed them onto the shore by the dock. "No slacking. Get up and spar, now." I said, my voice rough with anger.

Thank you for your help, Leo. Ana is not doing well and only one more of your warriors is alive. I hope you are happy with losing your brother and your mate. Jackson's voice went from sarcastic to sorrowful as he finished his speech, and my wolf was beginning to take over.

I fought him as hard as I could but he was strong, gaining power limb-by-limb. He received full control in about thirty seconds, and released the loudest howl he could. My pack stopped fighting, their Alpha gaining their full attention.

My body shifted into my wolf form and began to race towards my brother, with me fighting him as hard as I could. We don't need him or her, turn around now!

My wolf ignored me, chanting mate, mate, mate, as he ran. He released another howl, signaling for my pack to follow behind us. Our feet hitting the ground created a thunderous sound, the ground almost shaking with every step.

It only took a few minutes to reach the pack and see the damage. The Alpha was standing on the steps to the house, watching as his pack created a circular formation around Jackson. He was standing over Ana, who was conscious but in clear pain.

I gained a small amount of control and released a snarl, furious that my brother had started a war I would have to finish. The loud sound I emitted caused heads to turn away from Jackson and towards me, giving him his chance.

He jumped on the two that had completely turned towards me, causing chaos as they all leaped on top of him. I released a bark that signaled my pack and they raced towards the fight. The air was filled with growls, grunts, and howls of pain as the two packs fought. The Alpa made eye contact with me and shifted, racing towards me with anger in his eyes.

We both leaped and clashed in the air, my wolf gaining the upper hand as he grabbed him by the neck. It was an immediate win, my wolf slamming him into the ground and gripping his neck in my jaw until he stopped breathing.

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