Chapter 14 - Leonidas

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He was getting aroused by me. What the hell?

It wasn't unusual for a female to be aroused at the mere sight of me, but that girl's scent drove my wolf mad. I needed to get rid of her.

She was becoming a distraction to my pack and myself, so she would have to live somewhere else. My father was right when he said having a mate made someone weak, my wolf was so unfocused all I could hear in my mind was panting.

"Jackson. My office. Now."

I could practically hear his gulp but he followed my command and enter my office within a few seconds. He closed the door behind him and stood before me, tilting his head slightly in submissions to show he wasn't here to fight.

"Yes, Leo?" His voice contained a hint of smugness and I growled.

"Alpha, Jackson. Call me by my title or we will have serious problems." My teeth were gritted as I spoke and I watched him roll his eyes. If he rolled them again they won't be in his head.

"Fine, Alpha, is there something you needed?" Again, his tone was unacceptable and I growled. My chair flew back into the wall as I quickly stood and made my way around the desk. "Would you rather me force you to submit here, or in front of the pack?" I asked.

This time, he kept his mouth shut and his head down.

"Eleanor will be staying with you until further notice. I cannot have her distracting me." I could practically feel his scowl in response to my command. I grunted. "It's either this or death, Jackson. For once I'll let you choose."

Unable to control himself his head snapped up, eyes wide in disbelief. "She's your mate and you're willing to put her to death?" He looked up at me with accusing eyes as if he couldn't believe what I was willing to do.

"Leave. Now. Take the girl with you," I said, moving my chair back to my desk and sitting, "I don't want to see any of you for at least twenty-four hours."

I heard a small growl from Jackson as he left the room but ignored it, sighing in relief that the problem was dealt with. For now.


My wolf was restless, and I had to let him out constantly. Most times, when he ran, he drifted towards Jackson's house to see his mate. Jackson, Ana, and Eleanor hadn't come out of that house ever since I told them that's where she'd be staying.

Almost a week later, Jackson sauntered through the front door of the pack house with a grin on his face. He knew something I didn't.

I scowled. I hated information being held from me.

He began to whistle a simple tune as he walked past me but I stopped him by gripping his bicep. "Yes, Alpha? May I help you?"

Though he called me by my title, his voice was still disrespectful. I tossed him through the air and watched him crash into the wall. His body created a large dent in the wall, and he lied there for a second to catch his breath.

"I've done what you asked, how could I have done something wrong?" He groaned as he stood and dusted himself off. "Watch your tone," I said, narrowing my eyes, "And quit acting so smug. You are not, and never will be better than me, so stop thinking you are."

All of the humor left his face and he stepped towards me. Great, I thought, more attitude.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've done nothing but follow your orders and take care of your mate." Instinctively I let out a growl that shook the house, but Jackson didn't seem fazed by it.

Leonidas ✔️Where stories live. Discover now