Chapter 24 - Leonidas

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This was the first time I had been pushed out of my own office, and I was really hoping it would be the last.

As we stood outside, Alex, Harry's henchman that was oh-so interested in my mate, lifted his arm and close his eyes. I growled, but before I could stop him his arm fell to his side and he turned his head to me, smirking slightly. He had just put a sound barrier around the room; I couldn't hear a thing they were saying inside.

Minutes later, the woman that came with Harry stood and calmly entered the office, almost as if in a trance. I stood, my chair making a screeching noise as it slid away from me, and strode towards the door.

Alex stood as well, and I turned, daring him to challenge me. He smirked again, and another growl left my throat; this time it was much louder than before.

I charged him but he stood still, and simply stepped to the side right before I would have crashed into him. I tried to stop my feet and fell on my right side on the ground, glaring at Alex who was about to start laughing.

I've lost all Alpha senses and strength. A groan bubbled out as I pulled myself into a sitting position, leaning against the hall leading to my office.

A long period of time passed, and I didn't bother keeping track of how long they were in there. My wolf felt slightly panicked when he'd heard our Alpha title was being stripped temporarily, but it pissed me off that he had been more panicked about our mate being questioned by Harry.

I've treated Eleanor perfectly since she arrived, so I couldn't understand why my wolf was worried about her. I was more concerned about Ana and Jackson's testimony; they could be the reason for me losing my title. I huffed at the thought.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and I scrambled to my feet. Harry stepped out first, and to my surprise the woman followed him and she was holding Eleanor's hand. I growled lowly and took a step forward, but with a raise of Harry's hand I stood still.

Silence filling the room, he waved his hand and Eleanor followed the girl out of the room. Harry turned to me.

"Summon your brother, please." Without another word he turned and ambled back into my office. I growled, but followed his orders. I didn't have any other choice.

"Brother, Councilman Harry would like to speak with you."

"Aw, is someone in trouble?" His mocking voice didn't go unnoticed, and I rolled my eyes.

"I can always tell him you're refusing to see him, if you'd prefer," I said and smirked as he growled through the bond.

"I'm on my way."

A few minutes later he turned the corner at the end of the hallway, and a giant smile took over his face when he saw me leaning against the wall, a pissed off expression on my face.

"He's taken over your office, Leo?" He asked. I growled at the question, but because my power was taken away he didn't even blink. If anything, his smile somehow grew bigger.

His head turned to Alex, and when he received a nod of approval he entered the office. I swallowed, and forced my head to turn away as he shut the door behind him. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and stood. I didn't need to torture myself any longer.

I crossed my arms across my chest and walked downstairs, heading towards the kitchen. No one would be in there at this hour, but I was starving. I could figure something out.

The lights were already on, and I furrowed my eyebrows when I sniffed and was able to smell my mate. I rolled my eyes and strolled into the kitchen.

Leonidas ✔️Where stories live. Discover now