Chapter 15 - Eleanor

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Ana and Jackson had tried to comfort me as much as possible but nothing was working. My wolf, as if seeing the world for the first time, was scared and continued to hide behind the walls my mind had put in place.

Jackson had been polite when trying to coax my wolf out, and they tried to make the room I was in seem as safe as possible. One of them was in the room with me at all times, and refused to let me do anything by myself.

"Eleanor?" Ana asked as her knuckles rapped softly on the door. She pushed it open and smile as she saw me sitting up in bed. "Good, you're up. Are you hungry?" I gave a small nod and watched with a small smile as she turned to leave and closed her eyes with a groan.

"Jackson!" Her caring, soft voice had turned loud and shrill to wake up her mate. He jolted up in his chair, wincing as he crossed his arms. "Wipe the drool off your face and come help me make breakfast."

He shot me an embarrassed smile as he left the room, and I could hear Ana laughing loudly as she walked down the hallway. I was quick to stand when I noticed I was alone, and rushed to the bathroom. I stood in the doorway of the bathroom, hesitation filling my mind as I wracked my brain to try and remember if I was given permission.

I took slow, heavy steps back to the bed and sat on the soft blankets. It had been six days since the three of us had been kicked out of the pack house and I hadn't left this room. From the scent it seemed like I was in Ana and Jackson's home. They slept in another room, and I could hear them quietly speaking about me to each other at night.

While Jackson had been attempting to help my wolf, Ana had been trying to help me. She continued to insist I didn't need permission to do or say anything, but I had been punished many times for doing exactly that.

The door creaked open, and Ana's smiling face peeked into the room. "I've made you some pancakes. Is that alright?"

I nodded in confirmation and held out my hands to receive the plate. Though my appetite had gotten slightly larger, my eyes widened considerably when I noticed the extremely large stack up pancakes. She shuffled her feet nervously.

"You don't have to eat it all, I would just rather you have too much than too little." She said. Ana handed me a fork and knife then sat on the edge of the bed, watching me put each piece of food into my mouth.

After finishing the second pancake, I handed the plate to her. "You're finished?" She asked with her eyebrows raised into the air. I nodded. There was still a large stack of them. On the plate, but I'd eaten what my stomach could handle.

She took the plate from my hands and walked out the door, leaving it open for me to yell if I needed her. Just a few seconds later the sink began to run, and I knew she was washing the dishes. A wave of guilt crashed through me as I realized I was unable to assist her.

Wincing, I lifted my left leg from the bed and turned my body towards the door. I could do this. The first step was awful. My leg gave out and I grasped the sheets on the bed tightly to keep myself from falling.

"Come on, Eleanor," I muttered to myself. I stood on wobbly legs and took another step. I gripped the door handle next, using it to keep my balance, and began to make my way out of the room. "Eleanor? I told you to stay in bed," Ana said as she finished walking up the stairs.

I shook my head. "I'll help you, Ana. I'm sick of being in that room." Her head was shaking before I had finished speaking. "Get back in bed, please," she insisted, "you should be resting."

I lashed out, saying "I don't need rest! I need to be working, I need to be helping!" Again, Ana shook her head, but I wasn't finished. "I'm not injured! If my wolf comes out, one of you will still be here, I just need to get out of that room!"

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