Chapter 53 - First Step

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The ground trembled, the air trembled, and the light reflecting off of the blades shown with red as it sheered the very winds itself headed towards Isa

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The ground trembled, the air trembled, and the light reflecting off of the blades shown with red as it sheered the very winds itself headed towards Isa. The wereman though crossed his arms in front of his face to block the incoming wave. He wasn't prepared for just how much power was behind it though and found him being pushed along the ground like he weighed nothing. Below him the ground wasn't being destroyed however and instead of grass or dirt flying up instead there was a white sparking as someone erected a barrier around the place.

It'd make it difficult, but Isa had no choice he flexed his long toes that might as well had been fingers digging into the ground, tearing it up even with the barrier that was protecting it. Yet even with him digging into the ground Isa was still being pushed along the ground by this wave of light. He took one look behind him and saw that he was quickly coming up on the edge of the island they were on. He was going to get thrown right off if he didn't do something!

Isa let his arms go limp and brought his shoulder down as if bracing a door against the blast. He clasped his hands together and with one mighty effort he threw them both straight up striking the blast with his hands, knocking it straight up in the process. The energy blast was gone but when Isa looked back down he found Troy had already jumped right in front of him. The ax in his right hand was spinning around so fast that it was virtually invisible save for the glowing ring that marked where the blade was. There was a sudden click and Troy's arm came up like an uppercut with ax in hand, it was all Isa could do to avoid it by back flipping  off the island. 

Still the wind that came from that swing made Isa's body turn in mid air, allowing him to see the second ax still spinning in Troy's other hand. Once again their was a clicking sound before he took a swing with it that Isa could only block this time. He covered his face with his arms but the force of the blow still sent him flying through the air like he'd been shot from a cannon. He let out a hiss and shook his arms out. His bracers had taken most of that impact but even so, he definitely felt that hit and it'd all but numbed up his arms from the elbow down.

Those things pack one heck of a punch, he thought looking back at Troy flying through the air at him. But right now Isa was beginning to think of some ways he could maybe fight against those things. It'd be better if he had a weapon of his own but his bracers would do for now. Flipping his body around Isa clung to the island he'd been thrown into and with all his might he kicked off of it. Just like that he vanished from sight and he could see that Troy himself had completely lost track of him. He paused mid-flight and was actively turning his head all over trying to find him. Isa was moving too fast for him to see and he knew it now.

Isa was getting better at controlling his flight and it was showing. Troy might not realize it yet but Isa had circled him more times than there were grains of sand on the coast. Finally going straight at him Isa wound up a punch but much to his shock Troy whirled around and swung one of his axes. This time though Isa twisted in midair feeling the blade cutting off some of his fur in the process. But rather than let him start spinning it again Isa latched onto the shaft of the ax stopping it so suddenly that he actually ripped it right out of Troy's hand without meaning to. 

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