Chapter 7 - Wrath of Abyss

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~*~*~*~In the Nexus~*~*~*~

"Oh how boring." Drian said as he waved his hand over the ring of black smoke that he was using to view the spectacle that those two mortals were putting on. He turned himself so that he was sprawled across his thrown, black smoke falling from his body as he turned his head to look ahead. "My brothers don't know how to have any fun whatsoever."

Vanishing in cloud of smoke Drian reappeared several feet from his throne with a pouting expression on his face. "So what if that child was ripping his way free of the Aether. What's life like without the occasional realm shattering event once in awhile?" Drian let out a bemused hum before vanishing again in a puff of smoke, this time when he reappeared it was at the very top of his mountain peak castle. "Then again I suppose what that woman did was rather foolish. Using the Aether as a means to restrain that boy. Who could've known that he'd be stronger than the very fabric of the mortal realm itself?"

Teleporting to another part of his castle once again Drian found himself walking across he grand table in the dining hall. "Ripping the Aether... Why now that I think about it I don't know why I didn't try that myself? Doing that could shred apart the veils that separate the mortal and celestial realms, and even the veil that binds the Nexus." Drian let out another thoughtful hum before he teleported to his bad chamber where he was walking along the ceiling with his blond hair lifting from his forehead. "But- If I did that then I'd have to share this place with everyone else..."

Drian shuttered at the thought before allowing himself to fall gently to his bed below like a falling snowflake. "Perhaps I'll wait on that until after these mortals are done with their games." Drian winked and suddenly another black ring of smoke appeared on his ceiling revealing to him his own little creation that he'd sent to Primus. "After all what kind of a parent would I be if I didn't let my baby have his fun." 

Drian let out a laugh as the small black figure began to tremble in it's dark cavern as its eyes began to glow. "I cannot wait to see the kinds of chaos you bring. Hurry and mature so that I can enjoy whatever plan you divine to break that world."

"Name." Called out a hollowed out voice that sounded like it was coming from inside an empty chamber.

Drian raised his brow at that and waited for a moment. Again the same raspy voice called out the word name and Drian let out laugh. "You're aware that you're being watched aren't you my little monster?" The voice grumbled its confirmation and Drian couldn't help but be amused by that. "Oh very well as your parent I shall bestow a name upon you fitting for your role. What better name than that which describes all that the Celestial's fear? Abyss, that's your name memorize it, learn it, personify it and you and I shall get along swimmingly."

"Abyss... Yes... That will do." Said the voice as the black figure continued to tremble in it's cavern.

"Not that it needed your approval." Drian said folding his arms beneath his head. "Now than as per the rules that my niece and nephew have established, I cannot interact with you from now on. But know that I shall always be watching you my little Abyss."

The black mass that was Abyss grumbled its agreement before it's red eyes closed and Drian watches as it began to ripple again until it formed something that resembled a human's shape. It was small like an infant and it was curling up as if to keep warm before a red pulsating light began to show from within its body.

Sleep well my Abyss, and please do enjoy the chaos that you shall no doubt bring upon that world.


A year after her battle with Isa that ended with a child being sealed away deep beneath the mountain of the king, Gwenyth sought a way to free the poor child. But for all her Power she could not break the seal that held the boy. So she decided to invest her hope in the future, bestowing upon the world of Primus the miracle that was given to her. Binding her self to the Aether, Gwenyth dispersed her magic to the rest of the world sharing her own power with every other being on the planet. It was her hope that someday another would be born that had the magical skill to break the seal upon Isa.

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