Chapter 19 - Family Ties

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~*~*~*~In the Chamber of the Cosmos~*~*~*~

Romus was glaring at the viewing mirror while his sister continued to snicker in her seat across from him.  She'd been doing this for some time now, ever since this new mortal had shown up near our mortals. But Romus knew why she was laughing, she was laughing because this marked the second time that another random mortal had matched his in physical combat. The first time was that woman who not only was able to keep up with his mortal in a fight, but also able to match him afterwards as those creatures appeared. Now this white haired man appeared seemingly from nowhere and was suddenly able to match his mortal as well!

"So tell me dear brother," Idenia said holding her hand to her mouth as if that was meant to stop him from noticing her laughing at him. "How does it feel to have your the mortal born of your essence matched by two no named mongrels from the Mortal realm?"

Romus looked up from the mirror to give his sister a harsh tongue lashing, but instead he paused and remembered something else. "If you care to remember dear sister, my mortal has had his strength sealed by father himself while yours has not. What do you think that means?"

Idenia's snickering stopped at that and she narrowed her eyes before leaning over the mirror. "I don't like what you're implying dear brother. Are you suggesting that without father's seals, your mortal could best mine? Has she not proven to be superior to the previous one?"

"Yes I'll grant you that. You're current mortal does seem to have more Power than the last, but the fact remains that father has sealed mine and not yours. And let's not forget the trouncing my mortal gave your previous representative." It was Romus' turn to snicker at his sister who only looked all too annoyed by the mention of the last fight that had occurred between their mortals. "And besides, if father sealed mine but left yours that means mine is still more of a threat than even your new more powerful one does it not?"

"Yes, Idenia," A third voice said from behind them both and the siblings both let out a cry before looking up to see their uncle Drian leaning over them. He had his arms around them and the light coming from the viewing mirror reflected brightly from his blood red eyes and made his already intimidating grin that much more scary to look at. "Your brother has a point. If my brother Iro sealed one but not the other than that means the sealed one is still superior does it not?" Drian turned his bloody gaze to Idenia who chirped in response before quickly shaking her head. Drian's eyebrow was raised before he leaned down until he was mere inches from her face. "Oh come now my darling niece. Do I scare you that badly?"

"N- n- no uncle Drian." She said her body now physically beginning to tremble. "I- I- I'm just so happy to see you again dear uncle."

"Aw, if those words weren't so plainly forced you just might have made your uncle's day." Drian said with something resembling hurt on his face before he turned his bloody gaze to Romus. Now it was Romus' turn to feel the murderous gaze of his uncle upon him and he could feel the blood drain from his body as he uncle looked him over. "Why, dear little Romus, you've gone so pale! Something the matter?"

Romus tried to speak but what came out was merely a croak as his uncle stared at him with those two bloody eyes of his, that wickedly shaped smile of his revealing his pointed canines just enough to be visible to him. He gulped loudly as the moisture left his mouth preventing him from speaking to his uncle, so he just shook his head as violently as he could.

"Oh, it pains me to know that I cannot even visit my favorite niece and nephew without them thinking I'm going to do something to them." Drian said before standing to his full height and walking around the viewing mirror, dragging his black gloved hand along the edge making black smoke raise from it.  He saw what they were looking at and clicked his tongue before waving his hand over it. "Let's see what my mortals doing shall we?"

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